Category: Occult
Black Magic on lemons and other food items
Some people perform magic on food items, especially lemons, and throw them in the pathway of thei…
Wearing Taweez for protection from Black Magic
During the pre-Islamic days of ignorance, people used to wear charms and amulets, which Prophet M…
The blessing of Taweez
Taweez is a gift from Allah SWT and if someone can get a proper Amil to give him one, he should b…
Taweez and Amils
It is compulsory for an Amil to ask for mother’s name to find out what kind of magic has been don…
Consistency is required in curing Black Magic
There is no such thing as Hindu magic or Christian magic or some other magic. Anyone can do any k…
Medical Science does not detect Black Magic
A child ended up with a stomach ache. His father took him to a clinic. Medicine was given but the…
Power of the soul to destroy Black Magic
The first thing that Magic tries to do is to stop a person from praying. Sometimes, the brain is …
How Sifli Amal is done and dangers associated with it
Magicians need to befriend shayateen and in order to do so, they first have to fulfill their wish…
Magic using personal information
In some forms of magic, all that is required is the mother’s or father’s name. In others, your da…
About Black Magic
Black magic also known as dark magic is used conduct evil actions or those which draw vicious, cr…