It is compulsory for an Amil to ask for mother’s name to find out what kind of magic has been done and to what degree. They can also ask for father’s name but mother’s name is given preference in case the child is illegitimate. Some Amils ask for a piece of cloth, do an amal and measure the cloth before and after to find out if there is any magic. Others may use a thread. Many ask for money as they use very expensive musk for writing Taweez for wearing and drinking. Some may ask for money because they give a lot of their time.
Just because there are fake Amils out there does not make asking mother’s name, a piece of cloth, giving Taweez or asking for money wrong. There are fake doctors out there who give all sorts of wrong medicines. Does that mean it is wrong for all doctors in the World to give medicine? Or because there are fraud practitioners of medicine who ask for money, does it mean that no doctor in the World should ask for money?
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