How long should a man stay away from his family?

How long can a married woman live without her husband? If the man has four wives, he will spend only twenty five percent of his time with her, but what about the woman whose Tableeghi Jamaat husband stays away for long periods lasting (in some cases) upto a year? Will she not feel bad that her husband is not around to share her problems? Will her children grow up to be normal individuals? I doubt it.

One of my wife’s brothers used to work abroad, and would only come home twice a year to be with his family. Both his sons were brainwashed into joining the Tableeghi Jamaat, and since they’re absolutely unemployable, they do nothing but spend long hours in the nearby mosque talking to men like themselves who also have nothing to do. And every now and then, they join other Tableeghi Jamaat members and go on countrywide tours telling villagers how to wash their private parts. Their poor father has to pay the expenses of both his daughters-in-law and his grandchildren as well. I wonder how they will survive after he’s dead.






43 responses to “How long should a man stay away from his family?”

  1. ahsan Avatar

    Alhamdo lillah ,i am a tableighi and i am proud of my saying.
    I got master degree from england now i am a software engineer.
    You can’t say, we are not modern, yes you can say if you want to follow christains or other nations.
    I just want to give you one answer of this question.
    It’s mentioned in this question, if your father is away from home to earn money and visit home once a year or twice a year then you don’t complain to anyone but if he is away to learn, practice and propagate Islam, then you cry.
    Just think Y?

  2. Kashif H Avatar
    Kashif H

    @ gen sb

    Imam Al-Shafi said ” who ever says he has love for this world in his heart and that of his creator is a Liar”…. just sharing!

  3. Samz Avatar

    i think before judging someone one has to listen them first

    you may find some audios in a given url, listen what they say about families and duties…

  4. Lt. General Ayub Khan Avatar
    Lt. General Ayub Khan

    tableeghy are just backwards and uneducated, lazy people.

    They are good for nothing. The only productive things they do is tell people to memorize verses of the Quran, without appreciating the meaning

    (they dont even understand what they are reading, they just memorize it)

    we cant have progressive society if people are just told to memorize things rather than understand the beauty of the meaning. We cant have progressive society if people arent taught reasoning or logic.

    Our private school system is among the best in world, but state has failed to provide free education for the poor

  5. Irfan Avatar

    Why people are so much against “tablighi’ people,let them do their job,at least they are doing something good.Neither they are spreading any “Biadaats” in Islam nor they are fanatics,like Sepahay Sahaba and Sepahay Muhammad.They are not spreading any sort of hatred in the society and they are also also not killing innocent people.So why one should condemn them unnecessarily?At least they are preaching something good ,”AMAR BIL MAROOF and NAHE A NIL MUNKIR”.
    However,Islam doesn’t teaches us to be extremist and abstain from worldly affairs,rather we have to take both the things side by side.Moreover,everyone of us has to preach,”AMAR BIL MAROOF and NAHE A NIL MUNKIR”.
    In Surrah Al Asar, Allah Almighty has defined the criteria of successful people,therefore,we need to reflect and ponder,instead of criticizing just for the sake of it.

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Yousuf Yuhana used to make the sign of the cross whenever he scored a century, and it was nice to see a couple of non-Muslims in the team (Danesh Kaneria, still a Hindu, was the other). There was a time when quite a lot of our players were Christians (Wallis Mathias, Duncan Sharpe and Antao D’Souza come to mind). There also used to be a Hindu (Anil Dalpat) who later on went to play for the New Zealand team.

  7. Lt. General Ayub Khan Avatar
    Lt. General Ayub Khan

    if he converted not because of pressure, but because he felt he was ready to embrace Islam then i welcome it

    when they became tableeghys, they all grew disgusting looking beards. Athletes dont don beards. Sports and open expression of religion dont mix

    as is evident — when they were tableeghys, they were the worst cricket team on earth

    lost to ireland?!!?

  8. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    The tableeghi is a mentally unstable person who doesn’t want to live in the modern world where only the fit succeed. The case of a man working abroad is different, although that too should be avoided as much as possible. In my native language there is a saying, “If a man stays away too long from his home, his wife will get pregnant by someone else”. As for dumping children in hostels, I think it is cruel. Most educated people I know have never made their children stay in hostels.

  9. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Yusha, you obviously don’t know much about the early Muslim writers and jurists. They would definitely have criticized anyone standing and pissing at the same time if they thought it was against Islamic teachings. When I was in my teens, mullahs even said that Muslims are not allowed to pray while wearing shirts and trousers (western clothes). They also say that women are not allowed to wear jeans, but I have myself seen women wearing jeans doing the rounds (“tawaaf”) at the Holy Kaaba.

  10. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    Although I am not a Tableeghi, since Tablighees think that a person should undergo physical and mental torture to increase eman, I would like to know why it is not okay for a Tablighee to leave his family for Islam, but it is perfectly okay for someone else to leave their family for longer periods to earn money in another country???

    Also, why do some people dump their children in hostels, where children get to see their family once or twice a year???

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