Category: General
A compendium of Life
Joy, Truth and Love; the grandest expresssions of humankind and also the most desired and cherish…
The revenge against insults to the Quran
Let me put this is in bold and in the very beginning. BY ADDING THIS PICTURE I DON’T INTEN…
Foreign Help to Pakistani Police
When every day our army claims that they do not need any foreign help to fight against the terror…
Conflict Within States And Justice
Relations between sectors of society fluctuate between poles of conflict and cooperation which ar…
We live in a world in which the economy works at the global level. They call it globalization. If…
From Sun Tzu’s The Art of War
1. When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men’s weapons will grow…
Psychology — a science without a definition
Human beings have contemplated the nature of mind for at least two and a half millennia. As far b…
Benazir’s Theatrics
She is at least now loyal to her deal, but you could again throw mud at the cake by saying that s…
Report From the States
I’m honored to have been asked by the webmaster here to contribute occasionally to his blog; this…
Jew Feud
A rescue party finally finds a Jewish man who’s been shipwrecked on a deserted island for many ye…