
We live in a world in which the economy works at the global level. They call it globalization. If this is a new phenomenon, and what are its specific characteristics, remain open questions.

In fact, economies seem interconnected world, the stock market closely linked companies, not just those multinationals, but also medium and small businesses are able to shift production outside the national borders, where it is most convenient. The whole world, at least the Western countries, but also most other countries around the five continents, consume the same products, see the same films, read the same novels, drinking Coca-Cola, assemble more newspapers technically and ideologically in the same way, connects the Great World Network, the Internet.

Critics of globalization argue that this is a concept invented by economic power, Some intellectuals are putting in doubt, in their books, the usefulness and benefits of globalization. The horrific attack of September 11 against the Twin Towers was read as an attempt to give a push to globalization. The information available to the ordinary citizen, the elusive “man in the street” to get an idea of the phenomenon are reliable chaotic and contradictory.

The gap between rich and poor is widening, and this is not good. Large segments of the population, even in the rich West, leading a life increasingly insecure, at the mercy of market volatility. Under the circumstances, however, prevents people to hope, to design the future for themselves and their children. Globalization may be, therefore, a category inherent in the western way of thinking and it is important to find corrective balance.






2 responses to “Globalization”

  1. Mirza Avatar

    essentially what this definition i saying that globalization can not and should not be seen as a stagnant, instead it should be viewed as a dynamic, constantly evolving process. this process is set in motion by the technologically advanced hegemons society set the ball rolling and then the tide of globaliozations weeps the rest of the world into a current that can be fought or swim parallel to.

  2. Mirza Avatar

    That is quite a poor analysis of globalization, use this instead:

    Globalization, by definition, is the integration and democratization of the world’s culture, economy, and infrastructure through transnational investment, rapid proliferation of communication and information technologies, and the impacts of free-market on local, regional and national economies.
    The phenomenon of globalization has created a dichotomy of perception dividing the world into plethora of apprehensions and appreciations due to the intense velocity which the information about people, products, nature, environment, politics and economy disperses across borders, across countries and nations creating virtually one world into a global village

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