Author: Saira Tufail
Has A New “Earth” Been Discovered?
Scientists have discovered a planet purported to have characteristics similar to Earth, causing a…
Recommendations Required on National Education Policy
Education is the foundation of all societies and globally competitive economies. It is the basis …
Are You Fast Food Junkie?
Heart attacks at the age of 25 are not exceptional now. Diabetes is no more an old age malady. Ho…
Choose Your Profession According to Your Blood Group
The exact location of this article is not known. However, you may find it interesting… Ever…
National Internship Program
In order to better equip our nation’s graduates for their future career the Government of Pakista…
How to Bring Change?
How desperately we need a change, all of us know. But how to bring it? Who will bring it? I may …
Human resources are being characterized as the most important factor of production in economies o…
Asia News
Asia, the land of mystic beauty as well as unveiled sufferings, depicts economic paradox as barel…
Tobacco Exacerbates Poverty and Hunger
As I earlier mentioned poverty is as much self-imposed as injected. One of the micro-cause of pov…
Causes of Poverty
Poverty is the state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. Why is this? Being a …