Causes of Poverty

Poverty is the state for the majority of the world’s people and nations. Why is this? Being a student of economics, I have to relive the causes of poverty on fingertips. Whenever asked what I have to do is to blame global actors such as rich countries, international institutions and multinationals. Conviction is usually added to argument by portraying myself, my nation and like nations helpless in face of their policies. But an unrevealed question in an anonymous voice continues to echo in my classrooms and seminar halls: Is this true? Is this the whole truth?

Ofcourse this is the truth but incomplete. Half-quenched. Tell you, problem with economics is that it is the science of complicated truths. Extensive efforts to learn these truths have put many simple truths under grave, which if not unascertained can resolve many economic paradox rather undisputedly. With the power of these simple truths, it is legitimate to theorize that poor people and their nations are equally responsible for their own plight. They harvest poverty on their lands when they sow the seed of ‘negligence of personal responsibility’. Responsibility to face the truth; to accept themselves in whole; to question their predicament; to initiate the change; to shoulder themselves; to see dreams what they can fulfill; to live by law; to ‘say no to drugs’; and so on.

A complete analysis of relationship between drugs and poverty will be the content of next post.






13 responses to “Causes of Poverty”

  1. azadarsyed Avatar

    i don’t like it

  2. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    Quality or Quantity? For Quality, it’s got to be Education, education, education. There is plenty of room for those who have been taught WHAT to think–in factories. But a society also needs leaders and managers who have been taught HOW to think. In a world which is ever more communicative and presenting new challenges at an increasing pace, the ability to solve previously unknown problems and compete is a necessity for survival.
    Early exposure of every one of a nation’s children to the greatest variety of subjects possible is essential to maximize their critical thinking skills and help them eventually find their proper niches and levels, to make the most of their lives. Books are doorways into many worlds, and the greater a variety of literature a child can access, the better.
    English-speaking countries aren’t really keeping secrets, about success or anything else; almost all we know can be found on the Internet, but only if you can read English.
    English was agreed upon as the international language of aviation after World War II (it might have been German or Japanese), and later came the World Wide Web, also originating in English. Teaching your little children English is probably one of the better things you can do for them. (Hey, don’t shoot me; my first words weren’t in English, either.:-))
    Nations are mere subsets of a greater element–Earth. Democracy is supposed to mean that a nation’s leaders are less the boss than the hired help, to keep their greed in check, a more economical arrangement for all, at least in theory.

  3. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Read today’s DAWN, a carpenter’s two daughters were killed in an accident yesterday. The carpenter (whose monthly income can’t be more than Rs. 12,000 p.m.), is the father of ten children. How can a man raise so many children on such a meagre salary? How can he provide them with a good education? This is the reason why people in most Third World countries are so poor. Most illiterate Pakistani men want to sire at least ten children to prove to their friends that they’re real “he-men”. Read the advertisements on bill boards and walls, most are addressed to men who’ve lost their “potency”!

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