Why do women comment less than men on blogs?

I’m not saying that men comment a lot. Obviously, looking at the comment to views ratio on blogs, it is obvious that most readers have something against commenting. However, out of the very few who do comment, why do they mostly consist of men?

Going by the fact that women tend to talk a lot more than men, it is surprising to see women not raising an opinion in the comments section. Maybe they like to keep their opinions among women only, not wanting “strange” men to read their thoughts.

Women are generally more polite and sometimes don’t comment to avoid getting into an argument whereas some men comment aimlessly and senselessly. However, it does little to the fact that women are miserly when it comes to commenting.

It will be interesting to see who comments more to this post. Maybe women will prove me wrong after all!






14 responses to “Why do women comment less than men on blogs?”

  1. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    This has nothing to do with women commenting to my posts. In fact, it isn’t even about this blog. I am talking about this subject in general. Look at all Pakistani blogs. Read any post on any blog, and you will see more comments from men.

    Indian: You first stated that I offended someone, and right after that in brackets you wrote that I should say sorry even though I have not offended. Bro, that is confusing. Your second point is not justified because guys also have exams and homework. Lastly, Mr. Lakhani never offended Momina. She was the one offending.

    Hina: Nice to see you on the blog after a little while. The issue isn’t just about politeness. There are many other factors. Women not commenting to my posts is true, but the fact is that women don’t comment to anyone’s posts, on any blog. On the point of the top commentators section, there are two women compared to eight men.

    Looking at this post so far, there are 4 comments from men and one from a women, which once again puts my point across.

  2. Hina Safdar Avatar

    In top commentators section of this blog two women are listed.

    Women are generally more polite and sometimes don’t comment to avoid getting into an argument whereas some men comment aimlessly and senselessly

    I think above statement of yours says it all. you know very well why women avoid to comment on your posts specially.

  3. confused indian Avatar
    confused indian

    several reason for that. putting it in a reverse order.

    as far as chowrangi is concern, feel that you have offended hina, and shakir offended momina, apart form these two young girls i don’t know other girls blog or comment in chowrangi. (simply say sorry, enen though you have not offended them)

    exam and homework.

    third but not the last one, somehow women know why men write blog.

    apart from shakir saab’s advise i would suggest kind of metrimonial blog will certainly attract girls, if not the person whom i mentioned above. like how to attract rich and famous, how to use fairness cream, how to write love letters… sky is limit

    @ hina and momina, please forgive yusha and others for what they have not done. put some comments, so that yusha can sleep well. 😀

  4. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    @Hamid: If you look at the latest comments section on this blog, you will see that almost all the comments are written by men. Visit any blog, read any post, and you will see the same thing. To make it really simple, just take a look at the comments to this post.

  5. Hamid Majid Abbasi Avatar

    hard 2 understand sumhow dat this attribute is gender based!

  6. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    Most posts appeal to men and women equally. Even those posts that should only appeal to women hardly have any comments from women. Sometimes I feel that women comment to posts written by women only. Since there are more male bloggers it is causing great misery to women!

  7. Hend Avatar

    Maybe someone can test Lakhani Sahab’s theory too by posting a topic which might appeal to women, then we will have a more accurate picture.

  8. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    Thank you for your insightful comments. Since there are two comments from men so far and none from women, it once again goes on to show that women comment less than men.

  9. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Yusha, if you want to see more women commenting on your posts, write on topics that are interesting to women, like “Where to buy good Banarsi sarees”, or “Where to buy inexpensive dresses in Karachi”.

  10. Hend Avatar

    Men get to say very little of use at home and so they relieve themselves by blogging…

    jokes apart, I think women prefer talking face to face whereas they are not comfortable in a less controlled internet blogging environment where anyone can say anything also women actually have more work to do but men can blog by pretending to be busy with work.

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