Why are Advertisements by Cell Phone Companies in Pakistan Targeted by the Public?

Cell Phone AdCell phone companies in Pakistan are notorious for showing advertisements that only show a girl and a boy talking, or perhaps flirting with each other. However, they are strictly doing business and they will show what sells. Futhermore, they are not sexualizing their advertisements, so why are words like raunchy, lewd, and obscene used for their advertisements?

There has been public outcry concerning some advertisements, where cell phone companies in Pakistan were forced to pull them down. But why hasn’t there been outrage over raunchy advertisements by other companies? Many people say that cell phone companies promote friendship between girls and guys.. However, were they not present before these advertisements came into existence, and will they stop if these advertisements stop?

Globalization has causes Pakistan to become modern. Pakistanis from abroad coming home, international channels on Pakistani televisions, foreign restaurants, girls and boys wearing jeans and T-shirts instead of shalwar kameez, etc, etc. It isn’t because cell phone companies started showing a girl and a boy talking to each other.

Long hour cheap rates, SMS bundles, and late night packages are said to increase the use of cell phones and thus intermingling between the opposite sexes. My question is, if these packages are not available, will people stop using cell phones?

Protest against vulgar ads in Pakistan

A few months ago, people came out on the streets in protest of ads showing Khamoshi Ka Boycott. Why don’t they come out on the streets when vulgar advertisements from other countries play on Pakistani channels?






2 responses to “Why are Advertisements by Cell Phone Companies in Pakistan Targeted by the Public?”

  1. Jahanzeb Punjwani Avatar
    Jahanzeb Punjwani

    I wish if we had a research-oriented university in Karachi, i would love to research on the effect of almost-free all night packages on the productivity of students and our labour force. It is stupid to say if if these packages are not available, will people stop using cell phones?, No they wont but atleast they wont stick onto it for ages. Well i wonder what goes on in the minds of govt authoritites who could have imposed a heavy tax to save the workforce from sleepless nights! A growing nation needs a focused workforce. Pity people think for themselves.

  2. ali hamdani Avatar
    ali hamdani

    Baby sit culture needs to go. It is important to understand that we as consumer have theright to change the channel so why blame companies for it.

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