Tag: Telenor
Smartchoice.pk – Price and Service Comparison Platform in Pakistan
Smartchoice is an online platform built for the convenience of internet users who are looking for better internet connections in their locality. This service helps broadband consumers find great deals and packages offered by popular internet providers of Pakistan including Mobilink, Nayatel, PTCL, Qubee, Telenor, Ufone, Wi-tribe, Worldcall and Zong. All deals and packages have…
Why are Advertisements by Cell Phone Companies in Pakistan Targeted by the Public?
Cell phone companies in Pakistan are notorious for showing advertisements that only show a girl and a boy talking, or perhaps flirting with each other. However, they are strictly doing business and they will show what sells. Futhermore, they are not sexualizing their advertisements, so why are words like raunchy, lewd, and obscene used for…