Love Marriage – A different angle

The girl and the boy have spent time with each other before marriage – have been on dates, movies, or at least spent some time to know each other – even then they fail to grasp the necessary knowledge of each other because both of them behave in the best way they can in front of the other as they are afraid that any wrong move or any wrong word would break their trust and also the relation that is about to happen. The guy spends more time with the girl, fulfills all her wishes and does everything to keep her happy – all this just to make her accept his marriage proposal. Then they get married.

The guy has her now, so he stops doing all the things he used to do before their marriage. Now he spends less time with her and more with his friends and work and pays her little attention. She says “you have changed since our marriage.” Who on this planet has not heard of this.

They have already known each other. Now that they are married they don’t get much to talk to each other about themselves. The guy will already have praised the girl to the limit and the girl already admired him to her satisfaction.

They both have already spent time romancing, playing, teasing and having fun with each other. What do they do now?






25 responses to “Love Marriage – A different angle”

  1. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    looks like you are in favour of the old fashioned arranged marriages. I think people can choose their wife in college or marry their cousin. Personally, i dont think too many people would want to marry someone who they have never spoken to.

  2. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    By getting to “know” each other, what exactly do you mean? How long do you think it will take for them to get to “know” each other? Men and women have been married for years (in arranged marriages) and yet they do not know many things about each other.

  3. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    page 8 of the comments section

  4. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    please refer to my post on this subject

  5. Mubeen Shah Avatar

    Please Send me Your Address I want to discuss my Problem and wanna get Special Amal or Taweez

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    “The most retarded idea on this planet”! It’s people who’re retarded, not ideas. And the Muslim world is full of people who marry without even looking at their future spouses, let alone talking to them. A man may think he’s marrying a sixteen year old beauty, but on his wedding night he discovers his wife is a fifty year old widow. Be careful when you marry (or marry again), it might happen to you!

  7. karim Avatar

    there have been happy love marrages too. you generalise too much.

  8. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    men and women must be given a chance to talk to each other a few times at least before an arranged marriage and girls must be given the option of rejecting any man they want. In Islam a girl can only be married if SHE wills. At the same time i am against ‘mixing’ of the two sexes. Also, the concept of marriage without even seeing each other is the most retarded idea on this planet.

  9. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    but not in a manner where they romance before marriage and the guy has power to “dump” her whenever he wants which is common.
    I am against this kind of abuse

  10. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    in my scond reply i CLEARLY said they must get to know each other

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