Tag: DNA

  • Husbands In Pakistan Cannot Deny Paternity Of Child Even With DNA Evidence

    Husbands In Pakistan Cannot Deny Paternity Of Child Even With DNA Evidence

    Feminism is a cult, a form a satanism, propelling nudity and promiscuity, spreading teen pregnancies and STDs, responsible for abortions and AIDS, giving rise to pre-marital and extra-marital affairs, and the Supreme Court has made sure that all of it thrives by issuing a ruling that is more of a death sentence to everything that…

  • Successful Genome mapping of First Pakistani

    Successful Genome mapping of First Pakistani

    During my graduation the subject that always fascinates me was genetics and later on I enjoyed teaching it too. The genes present in the DNA of every individual are the expression of human life, determining each and every detail from hair color to the health risks possessed by a living being. It was interesting to…