Quitting Smoking: The Bad Part

I was just thinking of writing about smoking, and then I saw a post already here. So whats so bad about quitting smoking, other than the excessive cough and craving one gets over the period of two or so weeks that people decide to quit (before they start smoking again)?

A large population of our youth in the metropolitan cities such as Karachi and Lahore smoke, which is all well and good. They don’t try quitting: they accept the fact that they’re addicted. But what about those rebellious ones who claim “I can quit,” what do we do about them? Those bastards that give away their cigarettes, almost as if they gave death as a gift and the other accepts, resigning to the red cherry and nicotine – sealing the deal with a drag, or kash. Do you want people to be addicted? Infact, why do you not destroy your cigarettes and give them away? That’s a sign of weakness: a sign of sympathy and attachment towards the cancer stick, a term perhaps coined by the Aussies but largely catching on.

Here’s a tip: Next time you decide to quit, do something symbolic: throw them away, break them one by one, or keep them in your pocket and fight the urge to smoke it. Don’t give them away to others. It’s different in Pakistan, but in Canada, for example, a pack of cigarettes costs roughly $9. How many rupees is that? Roughly Rs. 500. It does get expensive there, and when you destroy these cigarettes, you symbolize an end of relationship.

And for you smokers out there, keep smoking! No sweat off our backs (as a figure of speech), infact, we enjoy watching you kill yourself. Living in a country where we’re so used to seeing dead bodies on the streets and the telly that sheer numbers don’t shock us anymore, as long as the victims aren’t our loved ones. Our loved ones: think about your family and friends who consider you a loved one. If not for yourself, for them. Hurt yourself all you want, but hurting others in the process is a sin.






19 responses to “Quitting Smoking: The Bad Part”

  1. Lt. General Ayub Khan Avatar

    James you speak the truth. Alas, it is not a mutually beneficial “companionship”

    Yusha and Lakhani saab love eachother to death like brothers — in the end.

  2. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    @Mohammad & Shakir: Dang, it warms my heart to see buddies getting along so famously! Ha-haaaaaaaaa! Say, Mohammad, is Jenni teaching you any new tricks? Betcha masturbation’s a non-issue now, huh? Tell her I said “Hi!” and ask her if she’s got any sisters (and their NAMES!) wouldja, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal?

    @General Khan: Sir, I admire your honesty at admitting smoking, because I do, too, and it bothers me, too. Bloggers don’t really have to admit to foibles that will never be seen via keyboard, so hat’s off to you, Sir. I’ve smoked off and on, sometimes not for years, since I was 24; I lost my right eye to melanoma fifteen years ago, but the doctor said it was probably not related to smoking, but a mote that I was born with, encouraged by too much UV from the sun, to which blue eyes are not as resistant as brown or black eyes.

    Smoking is: companionship–that little column of movement in the room when you’re alone. In company, a puff gives you a couple more seconds to form a reply. Nicotine’s a stimulant; by constricting the arteries it drives more blood to the brain, so you truly are a little bit sharper. It’s something to do with your hands when you’re not busy. It’s a deliberate frailty that us perfect folks take on so we don’t outrun humanity. 🙂

    On the other hand, it’s expensive–18 cents US per cigarette here, give or take a few cents. Bad breath, short wind, yellow film on things, ashes and butts to clean up (it takes 100 years for a cigarette filter/butt, tossed onto the roadside, to disappear back into nature,) courting early death by cancer, and what about the non-smokers who love you?

    The State of North Carolina recently tried to raise tax on a pack (20) of cigarettes by $1, but tobacco manufacturers complained so loudly that it would harm revenues that they settled on a 12-cent increase. North Carolina produces a LOT of tobacco. Sir Walter Raleigh (Raleigh is our state’s capitol city) brought it back to England from here in the year 1600-some.

    I’ve quit off and on a number of times. It’s easy after the flu, but you can quit any time if, the next time you reach for one, you can just remember “Oh, yeah, I don’t do that anymore.” It’s not that hard; a couple of days and it’s out of your system. But I’m usually too busy or distracted with day-to-day things and a jillion projects. I need to ride my bicycle more.

  3. Lt. General Ayub Khan Avatar

    hahaha Chowrangi would be an empty and sullen place without you gentlemen.

    It’s a Holy Month. Lets all unite, despite difference of opinions.

  4. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Hey Yoo Shoo, I never called you a fornicator (you wouldn’t be a virgin if you went around doing what adults do, would you?). And a word of advice: if you want to get ahead in life, try to stay cool. Your reactions to my taunts proves that you are immature. As far as smokers are concerned, while no smoker on this blog provoked me, I do find it irritating to have smokers around me because I’m allergic to smoke of all kinds (including cigarette smoke). Now go back to doing whatever you do when you’re not thinking or writing or talking about black magic.

  5. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    First you call me a virgin and then you call me a fornicator. Buddhe, make up your mind. You are not even good at slandering. And stop using disgusting words, you filthy minded, masturbation supporter. And stop calling staring at a woman’s body healthy, you pervert.

    You asked for a death penalty for smokers in the “heat of the moment?” Which moment? It’s not like some smoker came to this blog and started abusing you. Smokers are not saying anything to you, and smoking is not a crime.

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Hey Yoo Shoo, there’s an Urdu word which describes you perfectly, it begins with “ch”, it can’t be said in the presence of ladies, but you must’ve heard it many times. Now get this: I’m actually against the death penalty (you can read my blog, perhaps I’ve posted my views there). So, when I said smokers and people like you should be hanged, I didn’t really mean it, it was said in the heat of the moment. Although there are times when I think the world would be a much better place if people like you were sent to the hereafter.

  7. Lt. General Ayub Khan Avatar

    Dear Hina Ji, Salaam Aleykum.

    You know, it’s very interesting you brought this up. A cousin of mine just gifted one to my uncle (who has been a moderate/heavy smoker on and off)

    It’s a very interesting device. But I know myself too well. I need to be mentally prepared and ready to just QUIT*

    No remedies. No nicotine gums or patches.

    Just QUIT.

    And what troubles me is that I say I want to quit, but I dont translate word into actions. I think i just need to hang pictures of black, gooey lungs on my walls (perish the thought!)

    I think I will have to try this accupuncture method, of course –as said — when I am 100% ready

    It is Ramadan now so perhaps this can be one of my “Ramzan Resolutions” (as i call them)

  8. Hina Safdar Avatar

    @Lt. General Ayub Khan
    Chut ti nahi hai Ghalib mun ko lagi hoi……
    try E cigarettes they will be helpful …

  9. Lt. General Ayub Khan Avatar

    I myself am a smoker (regrettably). I haven’t given quitting my best effort. Last Ramzan I did pretty much quit but then I relapsed due to work-related stress. Granted, I do exercize a huge amount so it hasn’t affected my athletic/cardio ability.

    It’s a very mental addiction. When you want time to pass, you smoke. After a meal, you smoke. When under stress or tension, you smoke. After reading chowrangi, you smoke.

    A dear friend of mine has reccomended accupuncture and he swears on it. Sooner I quit the better it is for me. Allah SWT has given me a very healthy body Alhamdoillah, I’ve never had health problems. So hopefully I can overcome this habit.

    I am basically paying money to kill myself. It’s ridiculous.

    As far as Pakistan is concerned, we are better off than other developing countries. I spent many years growing up in Egypt and in Turkey — and my God — they are heavy smokers. But I am noticing that more people are becoming smokers in Pakistan and that is not good! Cigarettes here are dirt cheap. You have poor man’s cigarette (Daily, Goldstreet, Pine, etc.) which are only rs 15 for a dibba. Even imported Marlboro are rs 85 (equivalent to a little more than a dollar)

    The govt. should impose higher taxes on tobacco. It isnt like people can protest over this. And it will be good for revenue (if used wisely)

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