Pakistan’s Problems and the Solution – II

Desires, sins and Pakistan’s problems are on the rise simultaneously.

Instead of chasing Allah people are hell bent on chasing desires. Instead of Allah, desires have become the purpose of life.

What is the reality of desire. First there is great excitement. And then you have what you wanted and suddenly it is meaningless.

That’s how one moves from one desire to another desire. That’s how one remains a beggar. Your whole life proves it again and again — every desire frustrates. Again you have to create another desire to escape this pain. And the emptiness is there, ready to eat you up.

The emptiness of the soul cannot be filled with material things. It can only be filled with the worship of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Every muslim is obsessed with material things and for this he/she is ready to pay interest on ‘loans’ despite warnings from hadith and Quran.

Rasulullah has cursed the one who accepts interest, the one who pays it, the one who writes it, and the persons who gave witness to it, and said : “They are all alike”

“O you who believe! Fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for interest if you are indeed believers. If you don’t, take notice of War from Allah and His messenger.”[SURAH BAQARAH 2 : 278/ 279]

Rasulullah said : “There are four kinds of people about whom Allah has decided not to admit to paradise and not let them taste its bliss : the one who is addicted to wine, the one who takes interest, the one who exploits the property of an orphan and the man who is disobedient to his parents.”

When instead of reading the Quran every house will play music do we really think our current situation is going to change.

Allah Most High says: And there are among men, those that purchase idle tales, to mislead (men) from the path of Allah and throw ridicule. For such there will be a humiliating punishment (Surah Luqman, V. 6). This verse was revealed in relation to singing and musical instruments (Tafsir ibn Kathir, 3/442)

Sayyiduna Abu Malik al-Ashari (Allah be pleased with him) reports that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: There will appear people in my Ummah, who will hold adultery, silk, alcohol and musical instruments to be lawful (Sahih al-Bukhari)

When instead of worshipping every muslim in his/her ‘spare’ time sits in front to the T.V. watching and consuming garbage what hope can we have from Allah?

If the eyes are corrupted, then the heart follows. It becomes like a rubbish heap where all the dirt and filth and rottenness collect

When every girl/woman that walks on the street is looked at with lust then why should problems be solved by Allah?

In a hadith it is said “The glance is a poisoned arrow of shaytan. Whoever lowers his gaze for Allah, He will bestow upon him a refreshing sweetness which he will find in his heart.”

In a hadith, the Prophet (saw) is reported as having said: “And the eyes commit zina (adultery). Their zina is gazing.”

Every Muslim should spare no pain in lowering his/her gaze and preserving his/her modesty. This should occur in compliance with the Divine command given in Surah An-Nur: “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest.” (An-Nur: 30-31)

The more a person indulges in sin the less its effect and a heavier dose is needed next time. This is the reality of sin. Sins cause pain in the form of anxiety and depression. Why does a person with wealth fame and fortune commit suicide? His soul is scarred which will heal only by Allah. With the worship of Allah. With daily salat and zikr of Allah. Thinking about Allah. Talking about Allah. The need of the soul is Allah.

This life is a test. In order to motivate us to pass this test, it is very important for us to understanding the reward for controlling one’s desires and staying away from sin.

Jannah is a place where a person will have all that he/she desires, and he/she will live a perfect and everlasting life. Each pleasure at Jannah will be infinite times superior than the pleasure found in this world. In this world the more you indulge in pleasure the more they decrease but in jannah the more you indulge in them, the more they will increase.

Rasulullah said “It is sparkling light, aromatic plants, a lofty palace, a flowing river, ripe fruit, a beautiful wife and abundant clothing, in an eternal abode of radiant joy, in beautiful soundly-constructed high houses”. [Ibn Maajah, as-Sunan]

The Sahabah asked the Prophet (saw) about the buildings of Paradise and he replied with a wonderful description:

“Bricks of gold and silver, and mortar of fragrant musk, pebbles of pearl and sapphire, and soil of saffron. Whoever enters it is filled with joy and will never feel miserable; he will live there forever and never die; their clothes will never wear out and their youth will never fade.” [Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, ad-Daarimee, Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 3/29]

The palaces of Paradise have been prepared, and in their gardens are places to sit and recline, beautiful couches of delightful colours and high beds whose interiors are lined with silk brocade There are cushions and splendid carpets laid out in the most delightful fashion.

Women in this world kill themselves with dieting and are ending up with various diseases like bulimia and anorexia and are lining up in record numbers for plastic surgery. Lets see what Allah has in store for believeing women along with what I have already mentioned above.

Rasullulah said : “The believing women of this world will be 70,000 times more beautiful than the hur of paradise”

In another hadith “Allah will put light on their faces and silk on their bodies. They will be fair in complexion and will wear green clothing and yellow jewelry. Their incense-burners will be made of pearls and their combs will be of gold.”

A person’s goal should be jannah. We should do sincere taubah from all our sins and have a firm, firm intention not do commit sins again. If we don’t our present condition is not going to change. Our soul will keep screaming for Allah and we will keep lying to ourselves. Sins causing pain is not just limited to this world. They also cause pain in hell.



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27 responses to “Pakistan’s Problems and the Solution – II”

  1. Karim Avatar

    what we have to realise is that there cannot be perfection in this world. the fanatical pursuit pursuit of perfection has always led to chaos and oppression. i dont see oppression in that hard work. i china people are leaving their ancestral villages in droves and linking up outside facvtories for a change to get some of that few cents a day work.
    their kids will most likely be better off than they were. they have a bright future. and they dont have sweat shiops in japan since they have a labour shortage aand most of the heavy industry is mechanised.

  2. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    To Mr. Lakhani

    I only talk about the western world when it is praised as though it’s perfect. As long as muslims keep themselves drowned in sin they will always be slaves.

  3. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    To karim

    “oh so in a soceity with eman, people dont have to work hard?”

    -You clearly cannot see opression can you? Would you like to get paid a few cents an hour for 12 hours work. These people are exploited and treated worse than animals.

    “what the hell do you want,respect, wealth and power or an end to crime. look at afghanistan. it was under taliban rule. did that do the country any good. simply clamping down on crimen does not make a people great. you can never stop rape, theft or some other stuff. if islam could completely stop that then we would not have those punishments to deter crime”

    Respect, power, honour, end to crime, everything will come when muslims as a whole obey Allah and stop sinning. This is not just about Afghanistan, its about the entire muslim world. The reason islam has those punishments is to completely stop crime.

  4. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Wherever there are men and women, there will be crime. Instead of looking at the negative things in advanced nations, Mr. Yusha should try to see their achivements in a positive way. As long as Muslims remain illiterate, they will always be slaves.

  5. karim Avatar

    “Hundreds of thousands of people in Japan and China toil in sweatshops in unbearable condition for a few cents an hour. Another example of what wealth can make you do to other people if you don’t have Eman.”

    oh so in a soceity with eman, people dont have to work hard?

    “By the way, how has “hard work” and landing on the moon helped to cut down on rape, murder, fraud, kidnapping, robbery, crime and transgression, oppression and exploitation, hatred and enmity.”

    what the hell do you want,respect, wealth and power or an end to crime. look at afghanistan. it was under taliban rule. did that do the country any good. simply clamping down on crimen does not make a people great. you can never stop rape, theft or some other stuff. if islam could completely stop that then we would not have those punishments to deter crime.

  6. karim Avatar

    muslim were never masters of the earth. the were just majot players at a time when old empires were decaying. they were better warriors than their neighbours thats whyt they gained an empire. by linking faith to conquest and worldly power you demean us.

  7. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    It was obedience to Allah’s orders that made muslims masters of the Earth.

    By the way, how has “hard work” and landing on the moon helped to cut down on rape, murder, fraud, kidnapping, robbery, crime and transgression, oppression and exploitation, hatred and enmity.

  8. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    The Muslim world has about seventy percent of global oil and gas reserves, yet the fifty seven Islamic countries have only 500 universities (the U.S. alone has more than five thousand universities). Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong have no mineral resources, yet they’re richer than Pakistan. It is not wealth that makes a nation great, but hard work (which made the early Muslims masters of the earth) and acquisition of knowledge, not the knowledge of how to deal with black magic, but the knowledge that sent humans to the moon, and will soon put them on Mars.

  9. Mohammad Yusha Avatar
    Mohammad Yusha

    “but morality and its zealous enforcement as a whole are not the solutions”

    – where did i talk about enforcement?

    “…… the true soloutions to our problems. not morality police.”

    – where did I talk about morality police?

    “we should look at japan and china…..”

    – are you out of your mind?

    Hundreds of thousands of people in Japan and China toil in sweatshops in unbearable condition for a few cents an hour. Another example of what wealth can make you do to other people if you don’t have Eman.

    “education and technological progress and massive industrialization are the true soloutions to our problems.”

    – Please read my post ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘the civilized west’ to understand the “solution” that wealth has presented to the world without Eman.

  10. Karim Avatar

    what you have said deals with the individual. a person if he wants to follow goodness should follow it. but morality and its zealous enforcement as a whole are not the soultions to Pakistan’s problems. we have history to teach us and history shows us that those who have exercised power over their people in the name of making them citizens of an ideal society have become corrupted by the power they weild.
    there is a very good dialog in the movie Scarface” never underestimate THE OTHER GUY’S GREED!”
    what we need is a balance between faith and worldly beliefs. we should look at japan and china. education and technological progrees and massive industrialization are the true soloutions to our problems. not morality police.

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