NRO “Party” Is Finally Over?

The coming few weeks will unfold what really has been decided behind the curtain, but for the time being it is clear that the reign of the “few” has been put to a hold by the popular will. In a single day many important events converged to setup the tone for the late night saga, where the PPP (headed from the presidency) and its allies have to go back on their stance of passing “NRO” from the parliament. As translated earlier, this whole attempt was no more than to pass, from the most prestigious platform, a law which is so shameful that the list of beneficiaries and there acts can still be found as a classified documents.

It was always clear that we will be taken back into the era of 1990’s in case this resolution was tabled in the parliament. PML-N as expected was to oppose this, but at the same time it was also in the air that some back door settlement was in the making. In the end it was a furious Mr. Nawaz Sharif himself who announced that the lines have been drawn and NRO will not be allowed to pass through the NA unchecked. The claims went much further when it was reported that a threat of another “long march” has also been issued.

Closely following were there former partners turned enemies PML-Q. Its leadership also raised the flag for the final showdown in case NRO was tabelled. This was natural as they knew it was there loop holes which allowed an ordinance like this to be issued in the first place under Musharraf.

The show stopper performance of the day came from an unlikely source, the MQM. As soon as news started floating that Mr. Altaf Hussain, the very person who proposed the name of Mr. Zardari as the Presidential candidate has advised him to resign; it was crystal clear that the “fairy tale” has been brought to a sudden close. There were claims followed by counter claims regarding MQM stance, but for observers it was clear that what Altaf expresses is a natural expression of the MQM.

Anyhow what followed is history, and in the end it was decided by the coalition that NRO wont be tabled in the parliament. With this the only news which has captured the centre stage is the (Minus 1). The only force which would have rallied the votes behind NRO was the presidency, and its collapse in this way clearly set the stage that the top office has lost its game. Many theories and conspiracies can be unearthed in this regard. Some say that Hillary’s visit was the “final nail” in this political coffin. Her tour clearly revealed to the Americans that their “YES” man has lost his credibility at home. Voices will be heard that why Americans have now dumped the setup which was designed by themselves for this land? The answer in short term can be simple that they have replaced an unpopular puppet with a person who has become even more unpopular with the passage of time. In long term its answer lies in the solution Americans so eagerly wants in our neighbouring Afghanistan.

In any case once again the popular will has played the vital role in turning the side. For president now it is a simple equation………….. whether a group will have to pack up or in the second case the entire system will have to follow them down the road??? These are the times where leadership is tested,, and owing to the previous record I have no doubt that the top office will try its best to out maneuver the masses once again, but ofcourse like before it will be the top office which will be standing on the wrong side of the road………….






13 responses to “NRO “Party” Is Finally Over?”

  1. Hamid Majid Abbasi Avatar

    nyhow who r u adressing nyway?

  2. tayab Avatar

    Instead of looking at white house or black house just think of our final house & resting place and we will solve our problems. NOR is result of our own filth and its being poured upon us and our children.

  3. Hamid Majid Abbasi Avatar

    @tayab & murtaza
    we are discussing nro coz neither both of u nor I will be called to solve or make our policy……….ur solution of waziristan and bombings lie in the leadership…………it is time we have sum1 for whom power rests with his/her own masses…….rather than the comments and promises from the white house………..

  4. Murtaza Hasaan Avatar

    @ Tayab, this is what im trying to say. How can we still be discussing the NRO-Zardari/Altaf issue when this has very swiftly managed to side track the bombing in Rawalpindi? The media should be more responsible on creating these types of hypes. They should know the priorities better. The blast had occured only a few hours before this new debate started.

  5. tayab Avatar

    NRO or no NRO, it does not make any difference. Our masters have already sold us and our next generations. Democracy is not a substitute for making right into wrong or vice verca.

    If one zardari goes another so called leader will take his place locally or brought in from outside (rememeber Moieen Qureshi).

    People are being killed in Wazirastan, Baluchistan and all over Pakistan just to promote external agenda and to satisfy our personal greed.

  6. Murtaza Hasaan Avatar

    NRO or no NRO, why is everyone concerned so much about it when we really should be concerned about the innocent 34 lives lost in the blast on Tuesday morning in Rawalpindi. The media has managed to diver everyone’s attention very swiftly.

  7. Hamid Majid Abbasi Avatar

    listen buddy NRO isnt over…………only zardari’s honeymoon wid d justice is over………….he was imprisioned for 8 years????????does dat mean dat he is innocent………..even NRO never cleared dem……….mush only gave them a protective blanket……….whoever it is they have to face the justice………….the courts are open so he should walk straight in and prove himself innocent………dats wat s nation want……….as the holder of the top office he has to lead from the front……………..nd for god sake Z A Bhutto nd zardari????????????he was hanged after he had achieved a milestone for the nation while mr zardari was spared before even coming back into the country……….amazing comparision?????

  8. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Democracy has won. It was obvious all along that no politician could survive if he had availed amnesty under the NRO. Mr. Zardari’s days are numbered. Either he will have to surrender all his dictatorial powers or he will have to go back to Dubai.

  9. Ahmad Avatar

    NRO is no more issue now; but who can say that why certain leaders stood against this issue suddenly. Which was the hand behind that game and what were the motives?
    If one says Mr. President is the beneficiary of NRO. Why don’t you think that he has been in the prison for a long period and no case was proved and he faced bravely all that unlike Mr. Nawaz Sharif who physically wept when stayed some days in Jail and ultimately dealt with Parvez Musharraf and flew away. If one says that the current court has made him clear from all blames, may be some other court declares Zardari innocent later, like Bhutto. Now people say even lawyers and judges admit that it was a murder of justice but when he was assassinated, no one can dare to say so.

  10. Murtaza Hasaan Avatar

    The chief of MQM Altaf Hussain has decided to oppose the National reconciliation ordinance (NRO) in the Parliament and advised President Asif Ali Zardari to quit as president. This is the rumor that was flying around last night. It was told that Altaf Hussain had conveyed the message to President Zardari through Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Dr. Baber Awan to give sacrifice along with accomplices and face courts.

    We should be careful with such information as it could lead to a decrease in points at the stock exchange. However in my view there has to be more responsibility shown by the media. The tragedy occurred in Rawalpindi has been sidelined due to these sudden political issues.

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