No Justice My Lord: Dr Aafia Convicted!

It was around 1am in Pakistan while may be 2pm down in New York, but for one woman, her family and her children it was all over. The jury based on no fact handed down “guilty” verdict to Dr Aafia Siddiqui, linking her to all the 7 charges filed against her. Shock, ashamed and broken it took me nearly 10 hours to sit down and write something, because all along the way through Chowrangi and other forums, we all in vain begged the US public to open their eyes and save themselves from a disgrace like this but like many other facts, its evident that they have chosen for themselves the inheritance of “wild Viking or Mongols”.

With this conviction the US judiciary must have woken up George Washington from his peaceful asleep, because until now his soul was under the impression that US brutalities and imperialist policies have yet not polluted the mainland as if Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo and earlier Hiroshima do not fall in their jurisdiction.

Freedom, justice and equality is what we know about US and French revolution, but from now on its time to change the theme of this history. There is no justice in their court room, as the fools sitting there never asked the agencies under which law she was arrested, what about the horrific time she spent in Afghanistan’s famous Bagram prision and later her shifting to New York? These living Nazis never mentioned her children who went missing and two of them are still unaccounted. I must say that after this verdict the US marines must be given a lock and a chain to guard their weapons too, because a lady can snatch them, turn them into donkey’s and later fire the same weapon on them (ofcourse it was a cover up as later the official account of the witnesses never matched).

Terror to eradicate terror can only be engineered by the US think tanks, because all along the way the theory of winning hearts and mind has been sidelined. The most advanced nation can kill upto a million in Afghanistan and Iraq in order to take revenge of 3000 of its people, and still call it a war against terror, amazing.

None of us ever appreciated the acts of 9/11, but what about the 9/11 unleashed on us every day???If our life means nothing to you, fear a time when it will be the same for you, but of course we haven’t sunk into evil age that much.

The 8 years of Bush were seen as a tragedy for Americans by us, as it was perceived that like Musharraf here you were not represented by your leader, and it was one man show. But now this dilemma of “black man in the white house” has proven that they are in no mood to wash away their sins. All they want is to turn this world into a battle filed, where instead of nations entire civilizations come against each other in an eternal war. Obama “the liar” is worse than Bush even, as he has played with the tools of morality to enhance the same agenda. This injustice right under his nose shows his future aspiration, and I bet that the chain of events paint a picture more horrific than the one we witnessed in the past.

That was for the Americans but how could I leave the Mir Jaffar of Pakistan, Mr Musharraf. Just for the blessing of his masters he sold people like Aafia to these merchants of death. I wonder what he feels today at his luxurious apartment in London. Let the history repeat itself and a day should come where his daughter comes to him and ask the question which we have been forced to ask. The present regime, the entire leadership can relax too with their shameless power and authority, because from my side being silent is a bigger crime than the one committed by the executor.

Its not about whether Aafia was involved with Al-Qaeda or not, but its easy for me to say today that with this act in my eyes and so for the 180 million Pakistanis she has been proven innocent. She has served much more than the crime she never committed on ground, a family lost, a mother deprieved and a nation left heart broken. Whether she gets now 100 years in sentence, she has written her name in the history books. I just wish if Iqbal was here today, what a master piece he would have written like the one he did for Fatima Barnawi.

When justice fails, it takes every thing with it. The “prisioner 650” is not a criminal, she is an outstanding person with an excellent track record, but above she is a human, mother and a daughter. We can celebrate our life normally by saying we have nothing to do with her, but just ask yourself if silence is the answer, next Aafia will be whose daughter, sister or mother? Allah will decide her fate but we have been disappointed greatly, and my tone is so harsh because I never expected this from the so called West full of values. We beg you to wake up from this dream based on “realpolitik” and return to the values which are human atleast.

To you Aafia, we are ashamed of ourselves as a nation…………………..






23 responses to “No Justice My Lord: Dr Aafia Convicted!”

  1. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    James: is it possible that the jurors had not heard of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui before they reported for jury duty? She had already been convicted by the media, which called her “Al-Qaeda mom” or something similar (Fox News). Under such circumstances, how could she ever get a fair trial?

  2. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    @Shakir: Ha-ha! How did I know you’d jump on that one? The answer lies in inter-gender dynamics that happen here that you might only perceive if you lived here. The fact is that women’s lib, while good for the country, is very hard on men, in some particular ways. It makes us honest.

    It’s well known that men get very sensitive and selfish and aggressive and, well, stupid, when it comes to women and sexuality; it’s our natural blind side. The law has evolved here so that any male even accused of any sexual transgression gets a free ride to jail on the mere word of a female. Most lawyers are males, most cops are males, most judges are males, so when a male is accused, they instinctively and joyously leap to protect the poor little female and play the powerful hero. This was very much the case in the early days of women’s lib, in the seventies.
    This is still partly true. However, male judges, lawyers and cops who have lived through the last decades here, and fallen victim to such false accusations themselves, have wised up to the fact that some females don’t have a very good grasp of truth and will say things to get a guy in trouble out of mere spite, or worse, calculated opportunism, such as a lawsuit for molestation, with an eye on a cash reward, of course.

    Some women, by no means all, but a few rotten apples, love to play the victim; they’re not physically able to avenge themselves on men, but they are able to manipulate other men very easily by claiming they’ve been hurt and “sic the dogs–” in the form of the police, lawyers and judges on any male who has even pissed her off. It makes some females feel very powerful to be able to do this, with only a minimum of histrionic skills.

    All in all, it’s probably a good thing for society that women are so protected, because most of them are honest, and a male, lustfully inspired, truly can be presumptuous and problematical if not given reason such as this to think twice about getting overly friendly with a female who doesn’t want him around. And fortunately, we now have many female judges, lawyers and police who see right through a female’s attempt to pull something like this, and things are getting fairer every day.

    A hard-working plumber has to protect himself; it’s a nasty job.

  3. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    James: “they always send 2 guys to make sure some law-crazy housewife doesn’t falsely accuse one of sexual molestation”. Wait a minute, it would be easier for two guys to rape her. Why don’t they send a woman along with a plumber? In our country, a woman will not allow an unrelated male to enter her house if her huband or brother or father is not there. Even a male cousin can’t be allowed in unless he’s accompanied by his wife or sister.

  4. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    In case any of you are wondering how juries are selected in the US, I’ll share what I know of the process.

    Where I come from, jurors are selected at random from voter registration lists. Although all US citizens are free to vote if over 18 and not a convicted felon, not everyone does; it’s optional. But if you care enough to vote, you go to the office of the political party you tend to favor, or any of them, really, and register; you show some proof of ID and fill out a little form and they give you back a document that you can show at the polling place that you’re a registered voter.

    If you have registered to vote, your name iand address go on a list, and when they need jurors, as always, once in awhile you get a notice in the mail that you must show up for “jury duty,” the responsibility that comes with the right to vote, and probably sensible because if you care enough to vote, you probably care enough to take jury duty seriously, and try to get it right. I’ve had a “jury duty” notice twice in twenty years, as well as I remember.

    Well, to report for jury duty you have to first phone in between such-and-such hours. Around here, in my town, we have an extra number of aged retired persons who have little to do and are happy for a chance to do something useful like jury duty, so, many of the younger, working people, for whom jury duty–which might tie them up for days in a serious case–would be a problem, wait until the last hour to call in, knowing that a lot of oldies have already filled the list of jurors needed, and the younger ones won’t have to even show up. The recorded call-in fulfills your obligation for jury duty if the quota has been filled, and they will politely tell you you’re not needed and thank you, have a nice day.

    So, the jury is composed of people who have registered to vote. In an important case jurors are screened against prejudice, interviewed in private by a clerk of court to see if they’re bringing any pointed, pre-formed opinions about the case with them, or have already made up their minds how they’ll decide. For instance, if it’s a murder case, the court representative might ask you if anyone you liked or loved has ever been murdered; if you say “yes,” you’re disqualified, free to go home and have a nice day. Do you know personally, or are you related to any of the persons in opposition in the case? If you say “yes,” you’re disqualified, free to go and have a nice day. Questions like that, to eliminate any juror who might have a personal vested interest in the outcome of the trial.

    So that’s the way juries are selected in my neighborhood, and I have little reason to believe that it’s much different elsewhere in the US. The jury in Aafia’s case probably had a few more working people in it than retirees because the demographics in NY are of a younger average age than they are here.

  5. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    @Shakir: Well, I again live in the same house I grew up in, and to tell you the truth, I can’t see much difference in the amount of snow; maybe a little more in the 50’s and ’60’s, but I’m at 35 degrees N latitude and 2500 ft. elevation and we’ve always had snow off and on from December through March. The State snowplows clear the main roads but push up a 4-foot wall, blocking the driveways. In ’63 we had a new foot of it every Wednesday and missed 2 months of school, and had to go to school all summer to make it up. So far this winter the lowest temp has been 7 F., and we just went through 10 days of no thaw and can’t get the car out without a lot of heavy shoveling; forget the motorcycle–very bad idea in snow and ice. I had a couple of frozen waterpipes that fortunately didn’t break; plumbers cost a minimum $100 per visit, and they always send 2 guys to make sure some law-crazy housewife doesn’t falsely accuse one of sexual molestation.

    Great to talk about the weather to lighten the depressing subject of Aafia; rest assured she’s warm, dry, clean, well-fed and for the nonce free of the problems of living, free medical, etc. Hope she has some good books to read. Sometimes I think she might be playing golf with Bush and Bin Laden on Bushy’s ranch in Texas, laughing about the way they’ve hoodwinked the whole world.

    I’m not laughing.

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    James: how do you explain so much snow in 49 U.S. states at this time of year? Global cooling??

  7. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    @Hamid: Glad Swat is rockin’. Yeah, we say “It’s better to die on your feet than live on your knees.” (usually when US govt tries to limit US gun-ownership rights. If that happens, the whole world is in danger. Not holding my breath. Many here have a growing sense that US Govt is getting out of control, but another sense that maybe they have a plan that is ultimately good for the whole world, but they’re just not telling us about it. We’ll see. Maybe Swat’s an indicator.)

    Another 4-5 inches of snow last night; that’s about 30 inches over last 3 weeks. Fun when you’re a kid, but I’m not anymore. Icy north wind cuts through this old house like a knife sometimes. What do you have–sunshine, 70 Fahrenheit? Jealous. 🙂

  8. hamid abbasi Avatar

    in our term it is said dat we will prefer to be in the slums with dignity rather than jumping to a castle of atrocities!! same is my stance….
    yep swat is rocking,,nd we are celebrating the return of peace here…..
    hmmm snow down there intrests me 2

  9. James Killian Spratt Avatar

    @Hamid: I always perceived Bush as a psycho, a wicked, mean little boy who was itching to get his hands into the military toybox and break everything. Autistic, insane, we all know the type. He was by no means well accepted here, and you’ll get little argument here that he and his powerful friends and asshole brother stole the 2004 election. The people on the street here (or anywhere) don’t worry me, the people in Washington (and all other capitols) and the military-industrial establishments do, because they feed off of war like flies feed off of sh–. It is clearly our leaders and montebanks (including sensationalist journalists)–key figures and makers of groups, rousers of public opinion– who are guilty of stirring normally peace-loving (?) (!) people to polarize against other groups–hey, we’re good, so they’re bad–, the oldest leadership trick in the book, and a cheap, small-minded, destructive one at that. (And oh, since they run the groups, they get paid more. Uh-huh. Beats work, doesn’t it?) These toads get innocent people killed. (Yeah, I know, define “innocent.”)

    Think what it takes to be number 1 in a group; by the time you get there, all trace of honesty, fairness and humanity are very likely gone, lost in the battles to the top. I stopped listening to them long ago.

    How’s the weather in Swat? Snow here, 2 weeks of it. Stinks.

  10. Hamid Majid Avatar

    And James down here we have got the chance somehow rewrite your new democracy as ”Government of me,,, for the destruction of whoever i found caught in the show”…..and the juries of there,especialy their transparency has always been very close to me,,,and your intelligence ..i must hail you because it was the same which sent bush to hunt in iraq..which later truned up as desert sand for the troops stuck there…impressive indeed…

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