In this era of energy crisis, engineers are working hard to find possibilities for maximum efficiency with minimum power consumption. Considering the same goal, Shell organizes a competition with the name Shell Eco-Marathon where young engineers of different institutes from all over the world bring their vehicles, especially designed for better mileage. The competition takes place in different fuel categories.
The engineering students of Pakistan also got the chance to participate in the event where they have shown their skills to overcome the greater power consumption.
NED University, a well-known engineering university of Pakistan, started participating in Shell Eco Marathon Asia in 2010. In the last three events, the NEDians has shown a phenomenal progress to get better mileage.
A group of motivated NEDians of Automotives Engineering formed a team called TEAM VICTORY in 2011 and participated first time in 2012, presenting the only Hydrogen powered vehicle from all over South Asia. This provided Pakistan a prestigious honor on the Sepang Formula Circuit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
As an old saying goes, “Hydrogen is the fuel of the future–and always will be.”
The working on a Hydrogen Fuel Cell is really a hard nut to crack, as it is an advanced technology with practical complexities. However, being enthusiastic for our goal, we had to run the risk to participate in Hydrogen category considering its efficiency. The reason we chose to participate in this category is that, the Fuel Cell vehicle provides 26% efficiency, while a gasoline engine gives less than 21% efficiency. In addition, the Hydrogen fuel cell is completely eco-friendly. It consumes Hydrogen and atmospheric Oxygen at its intake, and emits pure steam at its exhaust.
Now for the upcoming 2013 event, TEAM VICTORY is coming again to prove themselves with their vehicle UZRAQ.
The TEAM has only one ambition, that is, to make Pakistan the Asian Champion. It is an effortful task to participate in such competitions along with the studies but we, engineers are striving hard to give their 100% to win this championship for Pakistan.
Different organizations and individuals are helping us but most of the places, we are lacking some financial and technical assets to achieve our goal. Nevertheless, this will not shatter our dreams and will not stop us to reach our destination. We invite every single Pakistani to work with us. Let us know that how you may help us. Your support will highly be appreciated.
Check out NED Team Victory’s FaceBook Page
By Noor Uddin Qureshi (Team Leader – TEAM VICTORY)
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