How to beat your Husband?

I’ve received a video about a cleric explaining that it’s perfectly OK for a Muslim to beat his wife, provided it doesn’t cause any bleeding or bruises, and the beating is not on the face or any sensitive parts of the body. I knew of course that such Stone Age people existed (like those on this blog who believe in black magic), but this takes the cake.

Just what is a sensitive part of the body? And how would a man, who is in a fit of anger, beat her in such a way that she’s not hurt? But then I thought there should be some guidelines for Muslim women to beat their husbands too. Although some cases of husband-beating and husband-killing are reported in the press, by and large it’s the men who do the beating.

Should the wife also limit the beating to non-sensitive parts of his body? Or should she hit him on the head with a bottle? Maybe there are some women on this blog who regularly beat their husbands and they’ll tell us how they do it.






15 responses to “How to beat your Husband?”

  1. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Mohammed: “the Qur’an lays-down guidelines on a step-by-step approach to deal with the situation when a wife is turning disloyal (in her casual relationship towards a ghair-mahram man which her husband disapproves, a relationship that would ultimately lead to adultery)”. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. How can a woman have a “casual relationship” with a “ghair-mahram” (a male stranger) when she’s not allowed to step outside her house alone? And we know what people like the Taliban do when they have even a very small suspicion that their women are having affairs with other men.They can’t even tolerate their women looking out of the windows of their houses! I have known many Taliban-types, so I know that they’re constantly suspecting that their wives are not loyal. Read the newspapers, almost every day some poor woman is killed on suspicion of infidelity.

  2. Farhan Khan Avatar
    Farhan Khan

    Everything is OK that has been allowed by Quran. and people keep their interpretations to themselves rather than teaching falsehood to others.

    That which is very clear cannot be changed … the Reference of Surah Nisa clearly writes ‘Adribo’ that means ‘Beating’

    and If the world has really changed than why don’t you keeping living and just die after 50-60 years. You think you are compatible for living in this world and anyone who talk about implementing Shariah Law shouldn’t be allowed to live in the same world… huh… go away and keep dreaming.

    Muslim never live for the worldly glamor he must acts what will benefit him in hereafter … and following established divine laws benefits him no matter how many people are hurt by following that.

  3. Mohamed Avatar

    There is no scope for violence against women as a general principle in Islam as is obvious from the Prophet (pbuh) last sermon and many other ahadith.

    However to prevent the likes of Shakir Lakhani eager to please his Western ideological masters who have a tendency for hurting women big-time, the Qur’an lays-down guidelines on a step-by-step approach to deal with the situation when a wife is turning disloyal (in her casual relationship towards a ghair-mahram man which her husband disapproves, a relationship that would ultimately lead to adultery).

    We know from the the statistics coming from the West on how men deal with such situations ( The Qur’an just lays down a step-by-step approach in stemming the problem at the root by a symbolic admonishment without physically hurting the woman (not allowing even leaving of a mark). Reading the whole verse would help understand the spirit of the Quranic commandment.

  4. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    @ Rafeeq: The world has now changed. Even though the Bible also has severe punishments for theft, adultery and murder, the death penalty has been abolished in Europe. Even if a man kills a hundred people in Europe, he will not be sentenced to death. Forgiveness is what is needed in the Islamic world today. We see the Taliban killing Shias and Barelvis and even people who shave their beards on the grounds that it is permitted by Islam. How would you like it if the Taliban falsely accused you of stealing and wanted to cut your hands?

  5. Rafeeq Avatar

    Well i m not saying anything against tolerance, forgiveness, charity, etc.

    But Shakir bhai you have you accept rules and guidelines as it is , Like in your current post ,if you see in this like an un educated man its look wrong why Beat Wife etc… but at the same point as this Rule is very clear and not define by any Talban leader you have to Accept this without any argument

    If you read your own post carefully again you will find how much conditions are there , basically as i understand that purpose is not giving pain to Wife, with this kind of condition i dont find any way to Beat without broken these condition ,

    i think you need to change your view bit instead of going to word to word meanings if you try to get actual message , you cant understand Islam by simple quoting One Hadees Pak there Each Hadees has many related Hadees you need to read all to get actual message

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    @ Rafeeq: “Well actually his problem is He born in Muslim Family (look like) but he don’t like most of Islamic guidelines”. Your problem is that you have received “Islamic guidelines” from men who think nothing of killing others if their interpretation of Islam is different from theirs. I was taught by enlightened Muslim scholars who knew the true values of Islam like tolerance, forgiveness, charity, etc.

  7. Rafeeq Avatar

    Well actually his problem is He born in Muslim Family (look like) but he don’t like most of Islamic guidelines

    What i suggest him if he don’t like instead of trying to change Islam why not he change his religion ?

  8. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    @ Muslima: The words “beat them” have now been reinterpreted by certain scholars as “Stay away from them”. Allah’s Apostle (saw) never indulged in beating any of his wives.
    @ Tayyab: what do you mean, “negative”? This is a serious issue.

  9. tayab Avatar

    I really do not understand why Shakir is so negative in views. He lack understanding about Islam and is confusing it with behaviour and practices of people who claim to be muslim. Islam is not what we see many of us practicing in pakistan and many other countries. Islam teaches muslims to be at their best behavour with women. Beating is one extreme measure and under certain conditions.

  10. A muslima Avatar
    A muslima

    You should catch up on your Islamic studies before you write on a subject you obviously know so little about:
    “……As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).” Surat An-Nisa 4:34

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