FAQs on Black Magic

My hair is falling rapidly due to Black Magic. What should i do?

A person should recite verses 9, 10 and 11 of Surah Qaf SEVEN times (from wannakhla to samud). Blow on oil 3 times and apply it. Surah Qaf is the 50 surah of the Quran located in chapter 26.

What is Manzil?

Manzil has the following verses of the Quran:

Surah Al-Fatihah (chapter 1)

Surah Al-Bakarah (chapter 2): verses 1 to 5, 163, 255 to 257, and 284 to 286

Surah Al-Imran (chapter 3): verses 18, 26 and 27

Surah Al-A’araf (chapter 7): verses 54 to 56

Surah Al-Israa (chapter 17): verses 110 and 111

Surah Al-Muminoon (chapter 23): verses 115 to 118

Surah Al-Saaffaat (chapter 37): verses 1 to 11

Surah Al-Rehman (chapter 55): verses 33 to 40

Surah Al-Hashr (chapter 59): verses 21 to 24

Surah Al-Jinn (chapter 72): verses 1 to 4

Surah Al-Kaafiroon (chapter 109)

Surah Al-Ikhlas (chapter 112)

Surah Al-Falaq (chapter 113)

Surah Al-Naas (chapter 114)

Small booklets on manzil are available at almost every islamic bookstore. Takes 6-7 minutes to recite.

How do i cure Black Magic?

1. Recite bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem 487 times with darood sharif 11 times before and after. Blow on a glass of water 3 times and drink it. This amal is to be done once.

2. Recite manzil and blow on a glass of water 3 times and drink it. This amal is to be done once at any time in the morning and once at any time after sunset.

3. Recite bismillah hir rahmaan nir raheem once, surah fatiha 7 times, ayatul kursi 7 times, surah kafiroon 7 times, surah ikhlaas 7 times, surah falaq 7 times and surah nas 7 times. Blow on a glass of water 3 times and drink it, once in the morning and once after sunset. This amal is to be done for 7 days.

What is the amal for protection from Black Magic?

Please recite the last 3 quls (surah ikhlaas, falaq and nas) 3 times and blow on your palms. Rub your palms all over you body, including your face, head and the soles of your feet.

What is Darood Sharif?

Allahumma salle ala mohammad wa ala ale mohammad kama sallayta ala ibrahim wa ala ale ibrahim innaka hameedum majid. Allahummaa barik ala mohammad wa ala ale mohammad kama barakta ala ibrahim wa ala ale ibrahim innaka hameedum majeed

Arabs have a slightly different version

Allahumma salle ala mohammad wa ala ale mohammad kama sallayta ala ibrahim wa ala ale ibrahim wa barik ala mohammad wa ala ale mohammad kamma barakta ala ibrahim wa ala ale ibrahim fi alameen innaka hameedum majeed

Both are correct.

How do i stop jinns from entering my house?

Take 4 nails which must be at least 2 inches long

Read ayahs 15 16 and 17 of surah tariq on each nail 25 times.
Hammer them on four corners of the house

1.innahum yakeeduna kayda

2.wa akeedu kayda

3.fa mahhilil kafireena amhilhum ruwayda






33 responses to “FAQs on Black Magic”

  1. Jimal Avatar

    please e-mail me directly so I can commuincate in provate with you, I have many questions about black magic. Sheep intestines are use to blow knots on my behave, I know that for fact cause the wife of magician who did this to me told me that secretly. This magician resites in Los Angeles and for money destroies peoples lifes. He is very dangoures man, praticing black magic for over 40 years, in his house he has bottles with sheep brains filled with water and three leafs. He calls him self a Muslim, but my God he is the son of the devil. I need help against this man. Please e-mail me I will give alot more detail of how many other people he has and still continues to torture. I have all his information. People like him should be stoped. He takes 5000 dollars to 10000 from people and casts extremely dangoures black magic on them. He hangs out on tuesdays at grave sides. please get in touch with me via e-mail.

  2. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    Dear Hussain,

    There is no set number of days for the amal on oil. Blow on a bottle of oil 3 times and after applying it just once you will see a huge difference. You can then apply it again as often as you wish. You do not need permission for any of my amals.

    For Black Magic please start the recitation of manzil. Your mother and sister should also start the recitation of manzil.

  3. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Mr. Hussain, my father-in-law was almost completely bald at the age of thirty. His three sons (ranging in age from fifty four to sixty five) are also bald. My son (who is the grandson of my father-in-law) has lost half his hair at the age of 33. Similarly, most of his cousins from his mother’s side, are also rapidly losing their hair. There is no black magic involved, it’s all due to heredity.

  4. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Mr. Yusha, I do not believe that magic ever existed on this planet. Every thing which you say is magic has a scientific explanation. When I was a kid, people thought that solar and lunar eclipses were caused by Allah to punish the sun and the moon. Now we know why these eclipses occur. Similarly, all phenomena, like loss of hair, impotence, etc. (which people like you believe are caused by black magic) can be explained by doctors and scientists.
    I repeat again, there is no such thing as magic. I know that it is mentioned in the Koran, but I’ve also read that in the early years after the Holy Prophet’s death, there were scholars who refused to believe that any one could do magic on Allah’s Apostle. When I get back to Pakistan next month, I will forward to you the literature on this topic.

  5. Hussain Avatar

    Mr. Yusha, I have a question. My hair is falling out, and even my mother’s and sister’s hair has fallen out a lot over the last few years. I am not sure if this is natural, or due to magic. But other bad things are happening too which people have told me is magic. So my questions:

    1) the treatment you have put here for loss of hair, this is to be done how often? once? once every day? twice a day?

    2) do these treatments need ijaza or permission? or can I start it right away?

    Thank you.

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Mr. Yusha, I have a suggestion: please send everything (and that includes everything) that you’ve written on this blog to a competent psychiatrist and ask him whether you need psychiatric treatment. Let me know the result (if you have the guts to do what I have suggested).

  7. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    Let me answer this question for you. The answer is YES. Everyone can see that you keep saying that Black Magic does not exist like a broken tape recorder and yet when i asked you a simple question you got scared that it will be revealed that you do believe in black magic.

    You said only illiterate people believe in Black Magic. That is hilarious. We have a Black Magic post with over 35000 views and the highest number of comments. I guess they are all illiterate people. They just somehow magically know how to use the internet and they magically know good usage of the english language.

    A person like you suffering from an inferior complex is the only educated person here. Congratulations! We, on the other hand, are all illiterates.

    Let me tell you about your obsession with psychiatrists. A theif thinks that everyone is a theif, a liar thinks that everyone else is a liar and a fraud becomes paranoid thinking everyone else is a fraud. Similarly a person like you in desperate need of psychiatric treatment thinks that everyone else needs psychiatric treatment.

  8. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    I see that you did not answer my question. Are you scared?

  9. Mohammad Yusha Avatar

    Do you believe that magic existed at the time of Prophet Mohammad, Prophet Musa and Prophet Sulaiman. Answer in a simple yes or no.

  10. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Mr. Yusha, one of these days some psychiatrist will find out why you’re obsessed with this subject. Maybe it was because someone hit you on the head when you were a kid. And one of these days (although I seriously doubt it), you will grow up and stop writing about subjects which only illiterate people are interested in.

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