Category: Travel
Karachi’s Karma Deficit
I provide you with some quick yet meaningful insight on our karma deficit, and how to bring this negative balance into the positive side, all the while reminding you of some great driving tricks you already knew. Whether you’re a good, courteous driver or would like to be more so, read on. I feel concerned…
Pakistanis Face Problems at Hajj
Hajj marks for many Muslims, the peak of spiritual contact with the Almighty Allah throughout their lives. However, this year, a number of pilgrims who performed the religious ceremony found themselves victims to the inefficiency and corruption of the Pakistani government. Not only did the government fail to provide adequate accommodation for several Pakistanis performing…
Inspiration for last 10 nights of Ramadan
June 18, 3.00 am Saudi Time Beggars are a common sight in Makkah, in the back alleys, suqs an…
Tips on how to get the most out of your Umrah
The Umrah or (Arabic: عÙ�رÙ�â��) is a pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims that can be unde…
Smuggling Scandal: Pakistani family arrested in Saudi Arabia
In past few years everyone had seen travel agencies mushrooming in the city. Every now and than n…
Ban on pillion Riding in Karachi only for Public?
Under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedures Code pillion riding has been banned In Karachi, …
Countryside Chalet Club Karachi: A Review
Countryside Chalet Club is a housing and farmhouse project beyond Malir Cantt in Karachi. Itâ��s …
Factors affecting tourism in Pakistan
Pakistan is home of most stunning Himalayan peaks, including K-2 and various magnificent valleys….
Chaudhry Map
While travelling, off the National Highway, not only you travel in soot free and serene environme…