I have compiled some self rules regarding the blogging. Please see if you could add up some more:
1. I am responsible for anything posted in my name.
2. I will not say anything on the blog I wouldn’t be willing to say in public or to an individual’s face.
3. I will not gang up on anyone. Points of view that do not mirror my own will be presented fairly.
4. I will not post personal information about other people without their permission.
5. I will only use first names (and last initial if necessary).
6. I will not copy/paste other blogs, but I will quote them and give credit where it is due.
7. I will stay on topic and will only post links that are relevant to the topic.
8. I will not link to inappropriate websites.
9. I will strive for ‘correct’ spelling and grammar. Errors will be corrected as soon as possible.
10. Divergent views will be supported. Bullying will not be tolerated.
11. I will always try to provide value.
13. I will always consider my commentors and readers the most valuable asset.
14. I will continue to learn new things about blogging.
15. I will stick to ethics and morals.
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