Blogging is all about effective communication. The effective communication generally asks for one or both of two objectives: To attract or to generate revenue. The conversational style of blogging is more suited to its very nature. In order to blog, in my opinion, its ok to fracture a rule or two of conventional grammar and even the punctuation. It’s about clarity of communication.
Ok don’t hate me, please don’t start throwing things at me, oh for God’s sake don’t look at me like this. As I said its my sole opinion, and if you do want to blast me and lash at me, just leave a burning comment.
Ok to extinguish your anguish a little, I would admit that there are some grammatical and punctuation and other language mistakes which couldn’t be even tolerated in the literature like blog posts. Mistakes that can detract from your credibility and authenticity. And it’s exactly these types of errors that reflect poorly on writers of any stripe. Though according to some notable bloggers, In fact you can effect you’re readers quite affectively without worrying at all about *gramma*. And *speling*.
But I would say it again amidst your hue and cry; In blogging, its more important to get the point across, instead of worrying over some petty silly grammar rule. or am I barking up the wrong tree with this post. And if you are an English teacher, I can understand your feelings. I would rather have root canal than sit down and learn all these grammar rules, yuk.
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