Anonymous Comments

Where blogging has introduced a new kind of easy and liberated speech, it has also opened up new conflicts and acrimonious discussion. One such discussion is to allow or disallow the anonymous comments on the blogs.

The blogosphere has literally divided into two camps over this. The proponents of anonymous comments include renowned bloggers like Robert Scoble and opponents include web 2.0 visionaries like Tim O’ Reilly. Robert Scoble, says on his blog that,” I’m not able to currently sign this, either. First I allow anonymous comments. I do watch for hate speech, though, and delete that when it’s found (pretty rare, actually).”

On the flip side, Tim O’ Reilly has been busy drafting a new code of conduct for bloggers, in which to badge a site which will caution the visitor that whether the site allow or disallows the anonymous comments among other things. On his radar, Tim says,”We celebrate the blogosphere because it embraces frank and open conversation. But frankness does not have to mean lack of civility. We present this Blogger Code of Conduct in hopes that it helps create a culture that encourages both personal expression and constructive conversation.”

I firmly stand with the mob who support anonymous comments. I don’t want sort of obstacles in this new and innovative media of blogging. Restricting users to first identify themselves will only hamper the usability, and how can anyone stop anyone to post with a fake email address and fictitious user id?

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