The Mr. 10 percent of the yesteryears is finding it hard to get any largess from the United States and other donor countries because of his own reputation and due to his recent going back on promises and his utter disregard for the promises. Zardari has been instrumental in becoming the replacement of Musharraf but fails miserably to act in right direction in that regard.
Zardari is extremely confused as at one side he mixes up the the freedom fighters of the Kashmir with the terrorists pouring in from the Afghanistan from the tribal region. In his desperate efforts to please the masters in Washington and India he is hell bent on doing anything with any thought to the consequences.
Zardari must talk sense. His acolytes and advisors are the same who were with the Musharraf and they are giving him the same suggestions. Zardari in order to gain some confidence in the eyes of America is appointing the same people who were with the previous dictator.
He, like Musharraf, is giving not a damn to the people who are living here in hell.
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