Zardari is Confused

The Mr. 10 percent of the yesteryears is finding it hard to get any largess from the United States and other donor countries because of his own reputation and due to his recent going back on promises and his utter disregard for the promises. Zardari has been instrumental in becoming the replacement of Musharraf but fails miserably to act in right direction in that regard.

Zardari is extremely confused as at one side he mixes up the the freedom fighters of the Kashmir with the terrorists pouring in from the Afghanistan from the tribal region. In his desperate efforts to please the masters in Washington and India he is hell bent on doing anything with any thought to the consequences.

Zardari must talk sense. His acolytes and advisors are the same who were with the Musharraf and they are giving him the same suggestions. Zardari in order to gain some confidence in the eyes of America is appointing the same people who were with the previous dictator.

He, like Musharraf, is giving not a damn to the people who are living here in hell.






2 responses to “Zardari is Confused”

  1. Nadcracker Avatar


  2. Ice Awan Avatar
    Ice Awan

    My dear friend ….. we all want to believe that Zardari is stupid .. but i assure you .. he is not. The man has been brougt here with a clear cut agenda….. F*** Pakistan to its last limits. Thank you People’s Party for making sure that the last nail in our coffin is driven by the most incompetent man ever. Whatever he is doing is absolutely well thought out …. thought out not by himself but by the Masters who have blessed him with this Position. For years and years we have been suspecting his late wife for being an american agenda flag bearer … but there was a problem with that all along .. she was smart women who often had her own ideas and ambitions … that was something that the americans obviously did not like ….. they gave her two chances … but she just wont give up her nagging habit of coming up with her own ambitious ideas .. she was something more of a problem for the americans than a favor … so why nurture a problem …. why not bring in the most incompetent idiot in the world as the leader of the only islamic country with nuclear weapons …
    So here we are … being led by a person who is clinically a psycho patient, a man with absolutely no knowledge of any policy or governance for that matter .. and that man obviously will have no choice but to take orders from the masters who have brought him in …..
    Why go far .. just see at what happened in the recent past after he has taken over as the president …..
    Air violations against pakistan by ISAF has increased manifold …..
    For the first time in the history, americans gathered the courage to finally land their troops in pakistan for an operations .. something that they had wanted to do for such a long time ….
    They show a different face to the world and do exactly the opposite the same very day ..
    The president calls the world a safer place because of the biggest terrorist of them all .. Mr Bush ….. finally the pakistani president went from licking feet to licking balls ….
    Our economy has gone to a place it has never seen in history before …
    The fact of the matter is …. the man is here to destroy pakistan … systematically on a well laid out plan ….
    and the best part is that he will do it all .. with that fed up smile on his face …
    Write it down ….. he will be our undoing .. he will be the one who will take us to a place from where we will find it virtually find it impossible to crawl back …
    he is digging our grave … and the worst thing is that we are sitting on the sidelines and watching him do it :d
    Thanks you people of pakistan for making this happen and bringing this all upon us …
    thank you once again ..
    applause for our president and the people who chose him to lead us :d

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