It is now well known that Pakistan is being directly controlled by the sole superpower, the U.S. Whatever happens here (including the formation of the budget and the imposition of taxes) is done on the orders of those who sit in Washington. We know that Benazir Bhutto made a mess of things during her two stints in power, yet we are being told that she should be the next prime minister, because the U.S. government thinks she is suitable for us.
So the question arises: why the hell should we spend so much time and money in holding elections? Why not simply ask whoever is selected by the U.S. government to come over and occupy the seat of power? Just think of the amount of time and money that will be saved.
Whenever there is an election, we have two holidays, one for the national elections and the other for the provincial polls (by the way, Pakistan is perhaps the only country in the world where there are national holidays on which general elections are held). And then of course there are those endless speeches by candidates who know they have no chance at all of winning. During the election campaign, workers of one party clash with workers of their rival parties, often resulting in needless deaths. And after the elections, there are the usual charges of rigging by the losing candidates. So, until we have attained a high level of literacy, we should refrain from holding elections.
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