Why I Teach

Why I teach?
For two reasons.
1- To earn extra money
2- To payback what I learned

How I teach?
In course of teaching, I strive my best to follow these things:

-To be punctual and making students punctual about the timings of class

-To speak as much as possible, while illustrating concepts on board

-To avoid writing less on board

-To deliver very very few presentations via computer

-To keep students on toes by asking them questions, taking surprise quizzes and posing problems

-As the courses are not up to date in AIOU, so I also tell them the current and potential trends in the corresponding field.

-In the midst of semester, I give each student a research topic, which is to be completed at the end of semester.

-I also try to counsel their careers and sometimes listen to their other problems and try to advise them accordingly.

What else should I do in this regard? I am sure your suggestions would be valuable as ever.

Here is what I think about my students,

I take them as learners,learners are not “empty vessels” waiting to be filled with content pushed into it by a teacher. Learning is something that happens between the learner’s ears–it’s a form of co-creation between the learner and the learning experience. You can’t create new pathways in someone’s head… your job is to create an environment where the chances of the learner “getting it” in the way that you intend are as high as possible.

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