What is Music

What is music
Total crap
Which makes shaitan laugh
Because you have fallen into his trap

What is Music
Gatherings of shaitan
Which will soon turn you
Into a haiwan

What is Music
Total garbage
Making hypocrisy grow
Like water does herbage

What is music
Complete ungratefulness
Towards Allah with whom
we should be filled with thankfulness

What is music
It affects your salat
Thereby affecting
Your living halat

What is music
You think its your life
But in reality
It makes you ignore your lovely wife

What is music
You think its a gain
But in reality
It’s causing your rooh pain

What is music
Turning a person well
And preparing him
For a journey to hell






3 responses to “What is Music”

  1. mohammad Avatar

    Wow! not commiting a sin is extremism? Tomorrow if someone writes a poem on alcohol i guess you’re going to call him an extremist too and i think he will definitely need psychiatric treatment cuz he does not drink alcohol!!!!!!!!!

  2. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    I’m amazed that people like this guy exist in the twenty first century. But I suppose he is one of those ten percent in the country who desperately need psychiatric treatment. Allah save us from extremism!

  3. tj Avatar

    what is this poem
    absolute crap
    written by someone
    who does know poetry!

    please stop spreading extremism in pakistan through such posts. we have much bigger problems than music.

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