Pakistan came in to being just for Islam. Today it seems quite changed situation here, where lesser people pay heed thoroughly over this religion. Mostly, everyone seems to have own concerns and so it needs to be corrected for saving our identity. The circumstances prevailing here not at all are agreeable. There are bomb blasts everywhere and most of the times; the situation seems to be out of the law and order.
A citizen of Karachi has the greatest threats for being robbed or killed. And so outsiders fear to visit Karachi. But if we cater for the last two or three years, situation like Karachi seems to take up every where in Pakistan, where there is a high ratio of street cries and murders. People now fear to live in Pakistan even but have no other option.
That all is primarily because of the unwillingness to impose the Islamic rules or law in the true sense. Pakistan is prone to great conspiracies as on one side America has compelled to make it a front line ally against the terrorism, and on the other, India wants Pakistan to be ruined as it ensued to the East-Pakistan. And indubitably there are hidden hands that are trying to place on gaps and tensions between the Pakistani nation and the security forces and in such situation, politicians are playing no significant role. At this time, there is a great need for all Pakistanis to be one for one cause so that strong decisions could be made that make the Pakistan stronger and stronger.
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