Wah G Wah, Wah Cantt

Some eight or nine years back, When I was doing my Masters, I used to come back to my city Wah Cantt from Rawalpindi with a friend. After a tiresome journey, which literally shooked us from head to toe, as soon as we saw the boundaries of our city, my friend uttered these refreshing and festive words, “Wah G Wah, Wah Cantt”. People who have come to Wah, know what I am talking about. The clean roads, lush green grassy patches, dense pockets of trees, flowers lined up along the roads, proper traffic control and patterend housing is in sharp contrast to other cities. The difference becomes more tangible when someone comes into Wah from the outside.

“Wah G Wah, Wah Cantt”, got hit with so much popularity in our friend’s circle, we started raising it as a slogan, whenever some thing good happened to us. Some even started saying it as an expression of surprise, shock, exaggerated happiness, and mock exasperation.

Besides of the aesthetic nature of Wah Cantt, it boasts the 100% literacy rate in Pakistan. After Singapore, its has got the most literate population in any one city in Asia. You will find good schools at the corner of every street. Roads are littered with acadamies, centers and other institutes offering gems of education. Though mushrooming of educational institutes is no doubt becoming an education diaherria, the over all situation is not so bad. There remains atleast much semblance of quality of education.

Other major attraction is the historical importance of Wah Cantt. It is sorrunded by the ruins of Gandhara Civilization, Mughal architecture and gardens and much more. In some future posts, I will also be covering these places in detail, Insh-Allah.







24 responses to “Wah G Wah, Wah Cantt”

  1. ILoveWah Avatar

    Dear All,
    I was born in Wah Cantt and lived there for queit long. After going abroard at the age of 20 I do visit my city atleast twice a year. In last 30 years many things changed in Wah some are good and some are lesser good for “my city” from my point of view. What I don’t like are the new commers in Wah. We have had a family feeling back 40 years ago. I am pretty sure, that everybody, who lived in Wah back in the 70’s / 80’s do know me not because I was such a briliant pupil but coz I have had a unique scooter in Wah. A Valmobile (a small scooter). Most of the people in Wah called it a “Scootrie”
    My Salam to all of you, who can remember me.

    Allah Hafiz

  2. shereen Avatar

    wah cantt is such a great place like a paradise on earth.i born here and i want to live here end of my life.wah cant is the last best place on earth.

  3. ali Avatar

    i had a friend named Waqar Hussain. he is working in some factory of WAh. any body who can advice me how to find his address n ptcl no.

  4. Dr. Arshad A. Amjad Avatar
    Dr. Arshad A. Amjad

    one of my college friend Engr. Farooq is curently working in POF Wah in engineering/Construction Department …probably having a higher position…if some one knows his e-mail address or telephone please send me an e-mail at

    Thanks and best regards
    Dr. Arshad A. Amjad

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