I know that our government receive a huge amount of aid from United States of America, and all the government regardless of their status and regardless of any leader have been doing so since after the independence, and it’s quite likely to be carried on in the guessable future.
I have said that “our government†and not the “Pakistanâ€, because Pakistan also include the Pakistanis, who are as poor and hapless as they were before. They don’t know the heck about the aid, and they don’t know from where it comes, and to where it goes. A common Pakistani doesn’t even want aid from USA or anywhere else. A common Pakistani wants to earn by his hand, and he does exactly that. It is the elite class and the wadera-shahi which enjoys the aid.
I cannot for the life of me believe that the donor countries don’t know that what really becomes of their aid. I am of the belief that they know that aid to the developing countries like Pakistan doesn’t reach to where it is intended; rather it goes back to the accounts of corrupt leaders, whose accounts, incidentally, reside in those same countries from where the aid comes. So as the Punjabi cliché goes “Jithay di Kothi, uthay aan khaloti†(Donkey comes back, where it belongs).
I am really so naïve to believe that the donor agencies of the developed world really do want to help the developing countries, and they honestly want the betterment of the poor world, and they earnestly want the developing countries to develop with their aid. I am really that naïve, but I am not blind. They are giving Pakistan aid for nearly half a century now and still there is no tangible benefits for the common man. There is no progress in the infrastructure, and there is no improvement in the education or health-care sector. There are no more jobs for the people in these countries, and they are still very much behind in all walks of life.
So if US gets edgy when it sees the anti-US protests in the developing world after so much aid, then it should keep in perspective that aid isn’t reaching to the grass root level. If US somehow manages to think more realistically then it shouldn’t rely on aid, rather it should disseminate the knowledge and technical know-how to these countries to enable them in true sense. Give them tools to catch the fish, not the small fries.
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