The social values in our lives are on all time low. Bigotry, hypocrisy, megalomania and totalitarianism are rampant in our lives. People are not much to blame for that. Since our independence we haven’t got any thing straight, and the people of this country have never been allowed to groom and to become thoroughly civilized.
The national spirit of the people in in shambles and people feel a similar kind of helplessness and haplessness from Karachi to Khyber. They are yearning for the basic necessities of life and they are quite uncertain about their futures. It’s not that I am pessimistic or anything, but what could one do when there is nothing to rejoice? What could I do when I hasten to write these blog posts because I get so little electricity and a very rickety internet connection? What could I do when I have to stand in long queues to get flour at exorbitant prices?
We are surely into the chaos, and on this journey to chaos, we are losing our passions and we are at the brink of spilling. Just watch the images at the television, as how people are suffering in all parts of the country. Scourge of terrorism is laughing at us and the damned suicide bombers are on loose. These subhumans creeps who are brainwashed and know nothing but death are a feeler for this nation as how much low our enemy could go.
This is a high time that present regime should form a national government with the participation of all the stakeholders. When I say all, it means from all the provinces and the FATA area, and the Northern area, and all the political parties, which should hold free and fair elections.
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