Tag: New Delhi
Marching Kashmir and the Shameless Silence!!
Kashmiris in the occupied territory have protested as long as I can search my memory, and the issue has been highlighted time and time again with nearly the same result….. “Ignorance†Till now it was the international power centers ignoring their voice and one comes up readily with the justification being the “power politicsâ€. But…
NewDelhi-Metallo-1 (NDM-1)- India’s latest gift to the world!
As if the world wasn’t already threatened by global warming, floods and earthquakes, a new enemy has appeared on the horizon. The superbug known as New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 (NDM-1). This virus is resistant to even the most powerful antibiotics known, the class of antibiotics known as Carbapenems which are reserved for use when all other…