Paradise is burning; Eden is lost. Swat, which was once a place of complete bliss and delight and peace, is now a place of smoke, beheaded corpses, and bombings. Swat is still awesome. Swat still has those majestic peaks, Rolling Meadows, sparkling falls, and singing pines, but the serenity and tranquility has vanished and has been replaced by weeping, migrating people and blazing guns.
It’s clear that security forces won’t budge, and sooner or later they will get the control of the hideouts of militants in Swat, but up till that time lots of Muslims would have died, lots of families would have displaced and Swat would never be same again. Maulana Fazlullah, why don’t you show some sensibility and save the Muslims from dying and destructing themselves? What exactly he thinks he is doing?
He has setup 5000 armed militants in the Malakund agency. They are attacking military convoys, they are attacking security forces, they have seized a large area in Swat and practically ruling there, they have killed policemen and have beheaded people and have displayed their bodies in the markets and they are running their own FM radios and urging people to join them. They are simply not listening to the reason.
Time is running out very fast and point of no return is almost there. Maulana Fazlullah should use this time will to negotiate, and stop issuing senseless threats. He really owes this to the people of Swat and suburbs. He should learn from Lal Masjid. He should know that now there is no education of Islam emanating from Lal Masjid, Jamia Hafsa or Jamia Faridia. He should realize the might of government and the plight of people. He should carry on his message with peaceful means.
By adopting violent means, Maulana Fazlullah and his companions aren’t servicing Islam or Pakistan. It is also reported that RAW agents are also there, and they were mainly responsible for the be-headedness of security officials. Pakistani security agencies have also caught some Indian agents in the Swat region with explosives in the attire of Taliban. Maulana should realize that he is being exploited by the enemies of Islam and Pakistan. Time is running out for everyone.
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