The electricity crisis prevailing since beginning of this year has troubled many. At last, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Minister of water and power has announced that the government is about to import 1000 MW electricity from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This electricity would be provided at cheaper rates to the power consumers. He also mentioned that Pakistan itself would generate 16000 MW of power by year 2015.
Both Central Asian countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are producing extra electricity in there countries. This step of importing power would be a milestone in progress and maturation of Pakistan. The minister said that Islamic Development Bank and World Bank would fund this mega project.
The power lines would pass through Afghanistan thus serving an advantage to Afghanistan also. Regarding the security of power lines the Minister said that negotiations are taking place with Afghanistan on this aspect of the matter and security is not a big issue as only few lines would cross through Afghanistan. It is anticipated that this project will have a successful outcome. The dire need of power generation is increasing day by day in Pakistan and such initiatives are must to be inaugurated by government at a high pace.
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