Short Mummy Daddy March in Long March

The lawyers movement is aimed at restoring the judges and it is aimed at ousting General (r) Pervez Musharraf. Now after tolerating the unending delaying tactics of the Pakistan People’s Party, the lawyers have started their promised Long March, and they are expected to rock Islamabad.

But what is irking me is the exploitation and smearing of some tiny faction. Now the children of our elite study in the institutes like FAST and some others like it. This elite represents the establishment of this country, who has sucked this country dry, and all this misery and frustration and angst in the country is due to it. Now some of the students of these institutes are posing (mainly on the web) that they are the champions of this movement.

Have they ever slept in the load shedding? Have they ever slept with empty stomach? Have they ever received a baton on their jeans-clad asses? Have they ever tasted tear gas aside of their burgers? Just don’t get me started. Just writing some fancy posts on the web doesn’t make you the champs. The genuine people are those who are fighting for the cause on the roads, and who have real problems at their home. These are the people who are receiving the brunt of establishment for the last 60 years.

And that is why they cannot even imagine to pay fee of FAST for their beautiful children.

Aye to Long March, and …. to Short March.






One response to “Short Mummy Daddy March in Long March”

  1. crazyrz Avatar

    Commoner! I don;t what point are you trying to make?
    1. Do FAST student represent establishment?
    2. FAST dont have right to think and protest?
    3. To answer your questions I studied in FAST 10 years ago and I have slept in load shedding and sometimes empty stomach because my family put all the savings in to my fees.
    I used to have the choices to buy the food – and walk or pay the wagon for rent and not have food..

    And there are many students who study in FAST are like that because as alumani we have made scholarship for these students and we know how many students we supporting.

    Building opinions on perceptions is always easy thing to do…

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