Possibilities Of Nuclear Terrorism

The use of nuclear weapons by America in the wake of world war two completely changed the concept of warfare. It was the revolutionary characteristics of this weapon that gave rise to a phenomenon entirely new; now there was no comparison between power and number. Dividing the role of conventional weapons in partiality and nuclear weapons possessing the centrality, made it evident that free use of this weapon was no longer possible. This changed the central aim of nuclear strategy and states begin to look for methods to prevent an outbreak of nuclear war thus nuclear deterrent strategy was introduced.

Only after few decades after the invention of this catastrophic weapons experts have already introduced the possibilities of nuclear terrorism till the end of next decade. This theory has targeted Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal in specific. Factors responsible for this upheaval vary such as the instability in domestic and political affairs, security related issues, and most importantly the president’s diminishing popularity in context of BB’s assassination; have increase suspicions on the government capabilities to secure its nuclear arsenal. Pakistan being targeted by USA as well as IAEA chairperson AL Baredi for getting stroked by terrorist for stealing nuclear weapons has been left with few choices to determine the last strategy for guaranteeing a strong command and control mechanism. In doing so, Pakistan has carefully designed its plan dimension strategy dealing with quality and quantity as well as horizontal lines of proliferation, which is the command and control side.

The 9-11 attacks have raised the possibility of stealing nuclear weapons that can only require the effort to reach moon but making one would be one like reaching mars. In this context the terrorist would certainly prefer to reach moon first. Nuclear terrorism is not merely dangerous act because it involves stealing and using it against states but rather it compromises of exploitation of deterrent phenomenon, which is the core of these weapons. Nuclear weapons are not made to conduct war but to maintain credible deterrence, as deterrence is minimum quantity of anything that would keep the enemy at bay from taking aggressive actions.






One response to “Possibilities Of Nuclear Terrorism”

  1. Waleed Khan Avatar
    Waleed Khan

    Nuclear terrorism is a farsighted thing. the thing to worry about is the usage of improvised explosive devises. made by normal daily usage things and used on innocent people. this should be watched and stopped.

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