Pakistani filmamker in finals of democracy video challenge 2010

Pakistani film maker Faraz Siddiqui reaches finals of Democracy Video Challenge

Pakistani filmamker in finals of democracy video challenge 2010Pakistani film maker Faraz Siddiqui for the first time has claimed spot along with two Nepalis in the finals of the 2010 US State Department’s ‘Democracy Video Challenge ’. This challenge is in its second year and drew nearly 700 entries this year. Contestants from 83 countries created short films on themes based upon the phrase ‘Democracy is…’ the blank to be filled according to the theme of each contestant.

The three finalists made following short films for the event;

• Faraz Siddiqui from Pakistan, democracy is a message by the people.

• Anoop Poudel from Nepal, democracy is the color black.

• Shree Gurung also from Nepal, democracy is a way of life.

All the short films can now be viewed on you tube. Internet users across Pakistan and around the world can now view and vote for the film till June 15. Make sure you are signed into your YouTube account, then select the video you’d like to vote for. Once you click thumbs up or thumb down, the other selection will change to gray! You can vote for as many videos as you like, but only once per day.

The winning filmmakers are to receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, New York and Hollywood to attend gala screenings of the winning videos, gain exposure to the U.S. film and television industry and meet with creative talent, democracy advocates and government leaders.

Faraz Siddiqui is a 23 year old film maker and graphic designer. He started a design production house by the name of collage pictures since 2007 with a message;

Photography, Short Films, Documentaries and Motion Pictures is how we are heard by the world…we, as well encourage young people to join us, the Fraternity of Art and Film Making, to express what they have in their brilliantly aesthetic and talented mind…”

So, have you ever thought what according to you ‘Democracy is…..? ?’


8 responses to “Pakistani film maker Faraz Siddiqui reaches finals of Democracy Video Challenge”

  1. CG Arsalan Avatar

    This is how you can vote guys:

    1- log-on to:
    2- Sign-in through your Youtube account.
    3- click Vote button
    4- search video ( democracy is the message by the people )
    5- click thumbs up button

    vote ONCE per day until 16th June, 2010.

    Decision is all yours!

  2. maria Avatar

    good work, i feel really happy for the contestant!

  3. Shakil Khan Avatar
    Shakil Khan

    good work faraz, all the best.

  4. ali Avatar

    its novel and marvelous.

  5. faraz Avatar

    An excelent work!!!

  6. Nicole Avatar

    Bravo to Faraz and his team for having the courage to do this! This is brilliant! It’s positive and hopeful. Thanks!

  7. faky345 Avatar

    No offence, but i dont like the video.. the music is frustrating and the video too boring.. anyways if it has made to the finals then i wonder the people from other 81 countries wud have made sumthing horrific…

    1. Hina Safdar Avatar

      You can dislike it in a democratic world 😛

      You can watch other two finalists ( horrific) videos on you tube too.

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