Some people are addicted to drugs, others to alcohol, sex, cigarettes, and food. But a new and dangerous addiction has been added to the list. It’s called plastic surgery.
This includes botox, veneers, lip enhancement, breast lifts, breast implants, tummy tucks, cheek implants, eyebrow lifts, collagen, eyelid surgery , nose jobs and ear jobs. If all this does not shock you, then perhaps the idea that vaginoplasty, otherwise known as vaginal rejuvenation exists will.
Last year, nearly 150,000 American women underwent surgical facelift procedures. 20 billion dollars was spent on cosmetic procedures. It saw a 400% increase from 10 years ago. What is alarming about plastic surgery is that girls in high schools are lining up along side their mothers and grandmothers generation to ‘redo’ themselves. The message that sends out is that being young is no longer enough now nor is natural beauty. So many have tampered with it in order to attain that unrealistic, delusional level of perfection. Make up used to be enough, but that is quickly being replaced by plastic surgery.
A number of plastic surgeries have gone wrong and have resulted in deformation. Some have resulted in death.
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