In midst of such pronounced ethnic and religious turmoil over the world, America has gone through one of the most revolutionary changes of our times. Come January 16th 2009 and we would see the first black president ironically in domain of white house by the name of Barrack Obama.
Obama was born on 4th august 1961 a period in U.S history gripped by struggle for civil rights, where blacks were so openly segregated and discriminated. So to come out of darkness and obscurity of those times, where blacks were even denied voting rights, speaks greatly of the transition America has gone through in turning into a nation devoid of racial prejudice and discrimination. This truly and surely has fulfilled dream once envisioned by late Martin Luther king who dedicated his rather short-lived life until his assassination to spirit of civil right movement in America. However for a man who promises to lift world out of gloom and obscurity with a new found and refreshing approach challenges have just began and his success would lie in effective answers he could provide to clean up the mess under which world finds itself.
Since the war of terror started after tragic events of September 11th, American attitude towards the rest of the world had been rather rigid and uncompromising. This has thus divided the world into polarized ends where extremist on both sides are trying to win a cosmic war irrespective of its implications on vast majority who have been passive victims of this mayhem. The surge to banish cult of fundamentalists has led to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that since their inception haven’t been able to ascertain peace and stability. Situation over the period has derailed further due to America’s unwillingness to withdraw troops from those regions instead emphasis of the previous administration was bent on increasing amount of troops in those war zones. Apart from this growing tensions with Iran over nuclear issues as a consequence of Israeli lobbying are sending strong signals for another loaming war.
In such appalling and gloomy state Pakistan drenched in loaming clouds of economic and political disintegration has served as passive zone to intensify repercussions of war on terror. Last few years has shown such a profound increasing in suicide bombings in major cities of Pakistan. Attacks ranging from military zones to major hotels have been quite widespread during course of which so many civilian and army personals have died. As the war on terror wasn’t enough world received another shock with the current financial crisis which has totally shaken the economic system world over. Major stock exchanges around the world have dropped by considerable margins resulting into major losses for many companies and businesses world over. Quiet unlike war on terror which has explicitly hit people this financial turmoil has soared implicitly into heat beats. The capitalist system mark of free market economy on which there was such a heavy reliance has fallen in which U.S and Britain at the forefront of war of terror being hit quiet badly. Pakistan has also borne the brunt of the crisis as inflation rates have amassed new ends. Foreign reserves have dried out and state of bankruptcy is loaming over where government officials are running to different corners of the world to seek some relief.
A world gripped by an endless global war compounded by fall of the capitalist system is not the ideal place to start a presidential career but within enormity of challenges lays the opportunity for inspiring change. Many observers believe that American policy is not subject to change in administration instead it is quiet independent of any change in faces or parties. However considering the fact that most of those policies over the last few years have played a significant part in completely debasing American image around the world it becomes quite obvious that change in administration would bring nuanced changes in polices. The tenure served by the previous administration has left a baggage too ominous which could only be redeemed by an approach that shows a change in attitude.
There are many indicators which seem to support Obama’s endeavor to bring about change in world order. His background and origin is quite dissimilar to notions of polarization and separation which persisted quite prominently in previous times. Instead his mixed background speaks a universal language that seems to have emerged out of confinements of ethnicity and creed. Then being one of the youngest presidents to represent his country he brings an approach which seems to be extremely flexible. He proposes to spend $ 10 million on alternative energy sources in next ten years and endeavors to reduce green house effect considerably which are hopeful prospects in face of energy crisis and environmental concerns world over. He seems to be concerned about acts of welfare which provides benefits to common man in terms of basic amenities of life such as restoring jobs. His concerns as yet are far beyond complexity endorsed by religious conflicts.
For quite a while American administrations have over emphasized dangers to their sovereignty from outside intrusion which often has deviated attention from basic amenities concerning the common man. So far Obama brings a vision that has seen the struggle for basic amenities of life and a vision which has ended victorious as vigil of the campaign would show.
Today American people have learned to admit that today need is for a change beyond rigid frameworks and dogmas that has severely polluted the world. World needs a universal dialogue that instills spirit and slogan of freedom and harmony and Obama being the new president of strongest nation in the world could well serve as the messiah who could initiate this change.
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