New Years Resolutions

If you’re not sure what you should be putting on your New Years Resolutions list, here are the top 6 resolutions you must use:

1. Spend More Time With Your Friends and Family: It’s easy to get so busy with work that you neglect your friends and family. Before you know it, your friends have found new people to spend time with and your family have grown up. Plan to meet up with your friends on a regular basis, whether it’s for a meal or a movie. And make time to spend quality time with your family. You’ll thank yourself for it.

2. Get fit: Face it, most people aren’t as fit as they were in their younger days. Getting fit doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym 5 times a week. It could be as simple as parking further away in the parking lot, taking the stairs rather than the elevator and generally being less of a couch potato. You don’t need Salman Khan’s biceps to be fit…

3. Lose weight: This often goes hand in hand with getting fit. Choose an eating plan (notice I didn’t say diet) that fits with your lifestyle. Then take the time to notice your food when you eat it rather than wolfing it down and paying no attention. Notice when you are full and stop eating, even if there’s still food left on your plate.

4. Quit smoking: A lot of people vow to quit smoking at the start of the New Year. Often they’re the same people you’ll see gasping for a cigarette a couple days later. Plan your quitting. Train yourself for a positive self talk for quitting it. Concentrate more on its hazardousness and encourage yourself for getting rid of this habit by real means.

5. Quit drinking: In the same way as smoking, a lot of people decide to quit drinking when the New Year arrives. The thought of hangover-free days and a healthier liver is good. Again, what you will require is self help by telling yourself you are going to overcome this, and quit having alcohol.

6. Help other people: This is a very popular New Years resolution. There are plenty of voluntary organizations that would appreciate some extra help and volunteering is easy. Check locally for a list of different charities and choose one that fits with your personal goals and aims. If you can’t commit regularly, don’t be afraid to say so. It’s better to say “I can only help once a month” than to say you’ll help every day or week and then not attend.






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