Nepotism of Justice Dogar

Minister of State for Education Ghulam Farid Kathia conceded yesterday that an illegality had been committed in the case of the chief justice’s daughter but said no allegation could be leveled against any person at this stage. But the federal board is still adamant that nothing illegal has happened and everything is according to the rules and regulations.

Farah Hameed Dogar, the daughter of the chief justice of Pakistan has been at the forefront of the Pakistani media now and she will remain so for the long period, telling the world about the nepotism of the justice in Pakistan. Her marks were tempered by the board and she got a B grade from C, after the re-checking of the papers.

She is also now in the Rawalpindi Medical College. She has already been admitted to a medical college against a special quota reserved for judges, although, the same college had refused to entertain her application before her marks were revised by the FBISE. Chairperson of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) and other officials are trying to hush the matter up, but now nation knows about Dogar court.






7 responses to “Nepotism of Justice Dogar”

  1. Aurangzeb Akbar Avatar
    Aurangzeb Akbar

    We must get rid of Chaudhry’s and Dogars. All the present appointments in the Supreme Court and High Court be scrutinized afresh. All unmerited backdoor appointments be nullified through a debate in the parliament and the media if possible. All the PCO judges, including the reappointed deposed judges be removed since they have become controversial or politicised. Direct appointments be made in the Supreme Court from amongst eminent jurists and lawyers duly qualified as per the Constitution of 1973. An apolitical eminent lawyer of integrity should be directly appointed as the Chief Justice of Pakistan following USA’s example.

  2. Aurangzeb Akbar Avatar
    Aurangzeb Akbar

    Iftikhar Chaudhry has already won an award for upholding the rule of law through the courtesy of the Harvard Law School. Nobody has cited a single judgment of this gentleman which can became the basis of his extraordinary service to the rule of law. Not even Aitzaz nor Kurd have said anything in this regard. Why should an independent Chief Justice of a country go to a dictator? I mean why Iftikhar Chaudhry went to see Musharraf on 3rd of March? Was it to uphold the rule of law? Incase he is being rewarded for deciding the steel mill case against the then government, was he the only judge on the bench. Obviously not- In Supreme Court no judgment is rendered in such a high profile case unless a bench of minimum of three judges is constituted. Why Iftikhar Chaudhry to the exclusion of other judges is being tipped for such laurels in preference to other fellow judges. Kindly educate me about Iftikhar Chaudhry’s great services to rule of law by citing one convincing example in his support and I will wholeheartedly pray for his winning the Nobel prize.

  3. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    @Saqib:history is replete with villains suddenly becoming heroes. CJ Iftikhar Choudhry may have been guilty of what you say he did, but that’s no reason why Dogar should be let off easily. Choudhry at least became an icon because he refused to resign, although he was offered all kinds of incentives. He also overturned the privatization of the steel mills, besides getting many missing persons traced, which is why he was unpopular with the government. And that is why people will forget Choudhry’s faults and remember him only as a hero.

  4. Saqib Avatar

    Justice Chaudry’s son, Arsalan failed in the Intermidiate Examination, his result was changed and he got admission in Bolan Medical College in gross violation of merit. Later he was forcefully and illegally inducted as an officer of grade 17 in the Health Department of Balouchistan Government on a non existing post.

    To please his beloved son who was not happy with his job as a doctor, Justice Chaudry used his influence to get him posted in FIA headquarters against a non existing post . DG FIA protested but the Ministry told him to keep quite lest the CJP gets annoyed.

    After a while when Doctor Arsalan was not happy serving at FIA, his father ordered the concerned authorities to send him for training at the Police Academy Sihala. On being told that training at Sihala was only meant for formally inducted police officers the CJP got annoyed and conveyed to the authorities that orders of the CJP were final.

    After a few weeks in Sihala, Doctor Arsalan was ill legally posted to the Punjab Police. At Lahore he started wearing police uniform without having been inducted in the police and gave himself the rank of an SP. IG Punjab protested but was advised to keep quite. The IG was ordered to send Doctor Arsalan for a foreign course to Turkey on which a senior police officer after due selection was supposed to go.

    The CJP told the Ministry of Interior to induct Arsalan in Police. He was advised that rules did not allow induction of a grade 17 officer in the police without selection through the Fedral Public Service Commission. On this the Chief Justice ordered ill legal promotion of his son to grade 18 with only five months of service where as this grade is earned after a mandatory 5 years of service. Thereafter, he told the establishment to transfer him to Police as he was no more in grade 17. The establishment division objected to the ill legal demand on which the Establishment Secretary was summoned by the CJP at residence in the middle of the night and warned not to obstruct.

    The CJP visited the PM at his residence , several times, often late at night, for waiver on rules to facilitate Arsalan’s induction in the police. On being told that the PM did not have authority, the CJP got very annoyed with the PM.
    Besides favours to his son there are other serious charges of misconduct against Chaudry.

    Justice Chaudry is a benificary of the public outrage against an unpopular government. The Supreme Court at that time too refused to investigate charges against a brother judge (on technical grounds). Charges against Justice Dogar are serious and must be investigated, preferably, without involving politics by a non political body. To ensure fair play this body should also look into favours of parental love of Mr Chaudry as well?

  5. Aurangzeb Akbar Avatar
    Aurangzeb Akbar

    There is no difference between Dogar and iftikhar Chaudhry. Dogar has done exactly the same for his daughter what Iftikhar did for his son. It is very unfortunate that not only these gentlemen but most of the judges of superior judiciary including many of the deposed judges have tainted past. The credentials of these judges need to be checked. One day I visited the website of Lahore High Court and found bio-datas of most of the judges missing. Perhaps these gentlemen are ashamed of their past performance as a lawyer. Even the chief justice of the Lahore High Court had nothing to say about his achievements or legal cases conducted by him prior to his becoming a judge. Some have mentioned in their bio-data that they conducted important constitutional cases without giving any reference of such cases. Many of them were completely unknown lawyers before they got to the bench as judges. The C.V. of these judges must be made public by Mr. Ansar Abbasi. The persons responsible for appointing them should also be made accountable.

    Not only these gentlemen are fake but Justice [deposed] Iftikhar Chaudhry surpasses them all. Americans have conferred on him through the courtesy of Harvard Law School the highest award which only two persons had received earlier. Iftikhar Chaudhry was always known for his predisposition towards Governments of the time. His impartiality always remained questionable because of such leanings. His subjugated mentality eventually became the basis of his rise to Chief Justiceship of Pakistan and then to becoming Pakistan’s Nelson Mandela for his refusal to resign from that post after all out efforts to save his job ended in futility despite the fact that on 3rd of March 2007 he himself went begging for Musharraf’s support. Iftikhar Chaudhry is now regarded by a large segment of Pakistan’s lawyer community as the most independent judge in Pakistan’s judicial history
    In my humble opinion Iftikhar Chaudhry seldom upheld the rule of law and instead made a complete fool of law. Equally substandard are the PCO judges and other deposed judges including those deposed judges who took fresh oath of reappointment on the policy of ‘run with the hare and hunt with the hound’. All these persons have completely undermined the institution of judiciary. If we are to set these standards then all of them fully qualify for winning Award of Freedom from Harvard Law School for the great services rendered by them in the advancement of rule of law by making it the rule of Jungle.
    It is high time the real face of the Dogars, Chaudhrys and their cronies in the judiciary is unmasked by the media.

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    The only way to reform people is to strictly punish corrupt government officials. Since we can’t cut their hands, we can at least demand that they should resign immediately, but you can bet the CJ will stick to his post until his term if over.

  7. Kashif H Avatar
    Kashif H

    Had our leaders faithful to the nation. All of the involved should have been fired by now. I dont know why the heck dont people side with truth here. Why have we developed a tendency to align ourselves with culprit and criminals. People have sympathy with the criminals so that they are not punished since to let go is better in Islam. A concept twisted completely and engineered to favor evil practices.
    All should eb accountable. Thse rich and powerful have sucked blood of masses for generations. They will continue if someoen doesnt step up and stop it by force. Atleast identify the evil within our ranks. All know the boards of Pakisatn are corrupt, the universities are corrupt, the polics is super corrupt, the munciplities is corrupt. wapda linemen are corrupt who shall stop this nonsense for the middle class people (since they dont know anyone in power so they remain shareef, the moment chahcha aur mama becomes minister then we all know what happens, still there are many who are actually pious in their dealings) who try to earn halal and pay tax. Well mostly tax is spend in buying bullet proof mercedez, parties at pm house and pres house and foreign trips….umras …what a g-normous hypocrisy.. WOW!

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