After keeping goals like owning the world and making difference out of the way of this post, here are my more human, less quantifiable goals. There are indeed my ‘over the top’ goals; honest. I keep them manageable and am trying to achieve them. Once there, I will have bigger ones.
I am obsessed with the idea of my third book which I want to bring out by the end of the year. I have already started a final read and hope to hand over to the draft to the printer soon.
I want to put up a community radio station at village Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka – a village in the back waters of Punjab – as soon as possible. We are all set to launch as soon as the licensing process is complete. This is a part of self help project called Dolls of the World.
This summer, I want to spend sometime at Nanga Parbat and explore some more mountains. Hope to join some rock repelling expedition to Rupa Face.
Whatever time and energies are left after this, I am going to spend blogging. I am trying to turn at least semi professional along with some more friends, some more communities and some more money making experiments.
Do you think all these are achievable? I think they are.
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