MQM in this election has secured (according to the so far unofficial results) 19 seats in the NA. While this has made it the fourth largest party in the house, unfortunately for MQM, it is in an even worse position than PML-Q.
PML-Q being the open opponent of both PPP and PML-N is all set to be the major opposition party. It cannot and, most likely, will not make government with PML-N or PPP, nor can it make govt with the other forces leaving the two front runners aside.
However, incase of MQM, both PML-N and PPP have vowed not to make coallition with MQM in the APC. ANP is also in a head to head to collision with it since 12th may incidents. MMA, with whatever little strength they have in assembly, is an ideological opponent of MQM who has always been a hard liner against Madressahs and Political Mullahs.
Now the leadership of MQM must be wondering what the next NA has in store for the party. Will it have to reverse its stance against PML-N and PPP as well as ANP which it has been maintaining for the last 7 years (remember Altaf Hussain has always criticised both major political parties for robbing the country and supporting Feudals in their parties.)
Moreover, after the elections of 2002, Altaf Hussain had demanded an apology from Late Benazir on the extrajudicial killings in Karachi during her last tenure. This demand was rejected by PPP as a result of which PPP-MQM govt could not be formed in Sind. So will MQM drop its charge against PPP of operation and extra judicial killings of Karachiites? If yes, then on what moral grounds?
Secondly, Nawaz Sharif was the main culprit who started the operation clean up in Karachi/Hyderabad and created MQM-Haqiqi. It was under his rule when Sind government was dismissed and governor rule was imposed in the province. So will MQM ignore all these actions of Nawaz Sharif and join hands with PML-N? Again, if yes, then on what moral grounds?
MQM is also in a head-to-head collision with ANP since 12th May 2007. It also blamed ANP for runining property of the people of Karachi after the 27th December incidient. So will MQM join hands with ANP who is supposedly an enemy of Karachi and its progress? If yes, then on what moral grounds?
Now, MQM has all the moral reasons to sit in opposition. And, it has absolutely no moral/ethical reason to get into a coalition government with any front runner party. However, MQM in opposition means yet another opperation in Karachi and further blood shed in urban Sind. Moreover, with the media, as it has grown lately, it will become extremely difficult for MQM to fight its case at international front. (The exposure that it got on 12th May is still taking its toll) therefore if there is an operation in Urban Sind, then either MQM will have to risk its survival by remaining silent or it will have to risk its international operations by posing a resistence. In the later case the self exiled leadership may have to face consequences to the extent of deportation.
Hence, while the nation is keeping its fingers crossed to see who the next prime minister will be, MQM might also be keeping its fingers crossed too to see what the future holds for the party…. and this is all despite the victory in elections 2008.
I think our people are not entitled to have such kind of democracy where polling boxes in Lahore PP-152 were not sealed until afternoon.
In Larkana the bogus voting, vote rigging was happening open endedly
So why we should just complain about Karachi. It was happening all around the country.
Specially these democracy lovers PPP and PML-N were doing themself.
who can ever expect mqm to be honest? people from karachi always knew what kind of party mqm was, we always knew that mqm only won by rigging. finally so many people are speaking out against it. type rigging in karachi on google and so many results will show up with mqm’s name. fianlly people are starting to speak up against them, there are several videos clearly showing rigging online, some of them are posted on youtube:
the quality is not that great, but you can tell whats going on, there are several other videos over the internet along with people sharing their persona experiences on elections day in online blogs. on the 26th of feb, ppp is taking mqm to court to the sindh high court for rigging these elections. honestly, enough of living in fear from these thugs, they should go and let us karachi people live in peace.
the MQM is in a confortable position. Karachi and Hyderabad are in its firm control. all it needs to do is adopt a wait and see approach. if the PML(N) and PPP cant form a coalition then one of them will have to be partners with the MQM.
and if the MQM is in the opposition then why should this automatically lead to an operation. The last operation failed to destroy the MQM and neither did the propping up of the Haqiqi faction stop it. What happened was that the policemen who took part in the operation are still being hunted down and killed one by one. you cant take away the power from MQM unless you can take away the perception in karachi that their is being denied the funding and respect it deserves,m since its the bussiness capitol of karachi ytake makes 70% of the countries money despite the apathetic attitute of the governments towards solving it’s problems. unless the people of karachi are staified with their situation tehn they will continue to side with the Pakistan’s most brutal party.
Mr. Abu Osama’s comments are naive and lacks the knowledge about ground realities in Pakistan. Future governemnt will already be facing big challenges like infilation, power crises, war on terror, uprising in balochistan and tribal areas e.t.c keeping all these senarios in mind opeing another front against MQM in Karachi and other urban areas of Sind will mean the governemnt is diging its own grave.
If PPP makes an alliance with MQM and gives them important portfolios, there will be rebellion within the PPP. I doubt if it will be easy to satisfy MQM, who have enjoyed power for the past five years without interference.
If PML-N can have relationship with PPP, while in past both were strong opponents to each other, then why not MQM can have relationship with either party.
In politics, nothing is impossible. Yesterday’s enemies can be today’s friends. MQM will ally with whichever party offers it the maximum. And they can’t be blamed if they do so.