Lazy Efficiency

Efficiency and productivity doesn’t mean that you have to work for 80 hours in a week and burn your weekends including Sundays. It doesn’t mean that you always remain busy and stuck to your desk, or your machines. There are numerous things which just eat up our productive time and decrease our efficiency. By adopting some minor yet powerful tips, we could save ourselves lots of time, resources and grey hairs.

For example in order to remain efficient and on the niche, you should follow certain guidelines; Don’t ever arrive in front of your computer without a clear list of prioritized tasks. You’ll just read unassociated e-mail and scramble your brain for the day, and will waste half of the time haggling around. This approach will certainly save you precious time in a considerable amount.

In order to efficiently use your time, you should learn to end a meeting on time, and to convince your superiours to understand the difference between emergency work and overload. Its also crucial that you realize that you are not just being busy out of sheer laziness, because, its also an addiction.

Learn to say no, and learn to let go. Simplify you life and automate your work. Use the tools available to manage your life. Use the machines out there. Be more reasonable and selective with your email/communications, cut down the interruptions and try to sought something meaningful.






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