Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s Future

Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhary has aptly warned the nation that the struggle for the independence of judiciary is not finished yet, and we have to move on. Even after the reinstatement of the judiciary the struggle would go on, because the reason why Pakistani people are rallying behind the judges is not because of the jobs of few judges, but because they want justice.

Pakistani people want to know about the missing people and they want to know about the looters, hoarders and other criminals. Pakistani people want judiciary to act as the stern eye over the rulers and over the officials. Pakistan people want their judiciary clear of any defects and black spots.

It’s extremely necessary for the CJP to keep distance from the political parties. He could seamlessly use their help for the restoration for the larger interest of the country, but that should end there. He must remain neutral and impartial, and perhaps thats what he is doing right now.






One response to “Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s Future”

  1. Kashif Avatar

    He may be restored only if he takes another oath from President Pervez Musharraf with specially added lines in his oath that ” he will not inerfere in the govt. adminstration affairs, will limit his use of (one sided) Suo Moto actions i,e if Kurd/Malik says they will burn down Supreme court if any decision come against them; he must take action against them as well.

    He will apologize to the nation for releasing terrorists from the prison. He takes back his suoto moto action for rebuilding of Jama Hafsa on the same land which was illegally occupied by Ghazi Bros. and he firmly state that he would not involve in any politics in the future.

    I think then only he will be acceptable to the nation

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