Though the common Pakistani was ill at ease with the shenanigans and the evil delaying tactics of the Pakistan People’s Party over the restoration of the judges, the today’s press conference of Nawaz Sharif gave a sigh of relief, in which he reiterated his stance on judiciary and told the gathering that his stance was unwavering and he stands by to his earlier commitment which were chalked-out in the Bhurban Declaration.
Mian Nawaz Sharif, the chief of Pakistan Muslim League (N) was of the opinion (which is cherished and supported by all the Pakistanis) that the army role should be ended from the politics and his also added that there was no reason as General (r) Musharraf would axed this assembly if the judges were restored.
Lastly but not by any means the least, he categorically spoke the hearts of the nation by saying that who have screwed the nation for all these years must be brought to the accountability and he said that constitution was par excellence.
One can only pray that the NRO-ed Zardari sees through these words.
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