The example of one who resides in the masjid in I’tikaf is that of a person who, having gone to a certain place to appeal for something, remains there until it is granted.
We see here that there are a few people who are deprived of the general forgiveness in Ramadan and are unfortunate indeed in not being able to get a share of this even on the morning of Eid.
Among them are those who fight and quarrel among themselves and those disobedient to their parents. One may well ask them:
“You have displeased Allah ta’ala, and having done so, what other refuge do you now here? We feel indeed sad that, for some worldly gain or honour, you have made yourselves the target for the curse of Rasullullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the angel Jibra’il, while at the same time being excluded from Allah ta’ala’s generous forgiveness. You may have gained a temporary victory over your enemy and gained some worldly honour, but this short-lived gain will avail nothing when Rasullullah’s (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) curse is on you, confirmed by Jibra’il, and you are being refused Allah ta’ala’s forgiveness and mercy.â€
I beg you, my dear brother and sisters, think about your position at this moment and refrain from all your quarrels. There is still time to rectify and repent today. Tomorrow you shall have to stand before a Judge, before Whom no rank, no honour, position or wealth shall benefit you – a judge before Whom only your actions shall count and ho is aware of each and every movement.
Remember that Allah ta’ala may forgive our mistakes as far as our relationship with Him is concerned, but will not forgive, without equivalent penalty, the disobedience in our relations with our fellowmen.
The poorest one from among the ummah of Rasullullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is that person, who shall appear on the day of qiyamah bringing with him righteous deeds like salah, fasting and charity, but he had also sworn at someone, falsely accused someone else, and hurt someone, with the result that all these people shall come forward with complaints against him, bearing witness against him. As a penalty, his good deeds shall be taken away and given to the claimants. And when his good deeds are exhausted in this manner, their sins shall be loaded upon him (when he is not able to pay the full penalty through lack of good deeds); because of this load he shall then enter jahannam. So we see that, in spite of many good deeds, he shall be in great despair (O Allah, save us from that).
I hope that this shall be of benefit to those who seek Allah ta’ala’s pleasure. I beg and request all readers to make du’a for me and Allah ta’ala may, in His eternal Grace and mercy, also shower His Grace and Pleasure upon me. Amin
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