International media had become obsessed with Islam. Due to an intense focus on the eradication of the fundamentalist, Islam has come into public eye and now people all over the world know more about Islam than they did before 9 /11. There have been numerous deliberations on the fundamentalist who is often defined as a Osama look alike. According to international media an Osama look alike is often not even a Muslim at all. With president Barrack Obama recently even stating that Osama was not a Muslim!
Similarly there have been efforts to create a ‘moderate or liberal Muslim’ to take place of these fundamentalist. A term also created by the west with a definition also created by the west. But in the search for moderate and annihilation of the fundamentalist where has the Muslim been left? A Jew is a Jew, not liberal not fundamental so why can’t a Muslim just be just a Muslim. Why the need to categorize him/her. Who gives western media especially American the authority to decide who’s a Muslim whose not, who’s a bad Muslim and who’s a good one.
Islam encompasses both private and public sphere. Everyone has the right to practice religion or not practice it. Therefore if there is a dire need to categorize Muslims one should go by Dr Zakir Naik’s who states that you are Muslim if you believe, furthermore you are either a practicing Muslim or a non practicing Muslim.
Islam has a wonderful history. Between the Moguls in India,some of which integrated nicely, and the of late Ottoman Empire, known easily to the west being so near Europe, to the Mongol Khans which converted and preferred it to other religions offered it, Islam dominated world history for over a thousand years, it is only in recent years that it has been cast as a barbarous form of religion by usurers in the west, most of which know the vast sums they spend on black box agencies are made up money, being backed by nothing at all. In truth, it appears that perhaps since Enron and the exploitation of financial markets in California and elsewhere, that some elite people have devoted themselves ever more to destruction on a wide scale, and it also appears that it may be possible if Saudi princes are not wahabi but do conspire with BushCo. that they have misused their own people in convincing them to work against the west, who they have strong financial ties to. If this is so then of course one could see how easily people even religious authorities with certain mindsets could be inclined to further terrorism when it it funded from on-high and works to maintain power-structures worldwide.
Islam was always in the public eye. It has nothing to do with the focus on fundamentalism. The hatred of Islam and Muslims made international media project Islam as oppressive and bad. After 9/11, for the first time westerners actually did their own research (instead of believing whatever their media feeds them), and that is the reason for the conversion of hundreds of thousands, even though it is ironic that an incident that is supposed to increase hatred for Muslims and Islam actually caused massive reversion of non-Muslims.
Zakir Naik is not an authority on Islam. He has neither a masressa education nor a degree from an Islamic university. It is no secret that I am not a fan of Peace TV for various reasons, once again I must say that Zakir Naik fails to grasp the underlying reason for the terms moderate/liberal and extremist/fundamentalist.
These terms are used to categorize the thinking of Muslims, not whether they are practicing or non-practicing. For example, people who think of TV or music as haram, or those who think of the beard or kurta as compulsory, or those who think of western attire as haram, are immediately labelled extremists/fundamentalists by many, even though they may be non-practicing. On the other hand, those who are relaxed in these matters, but are practicing, in the sense that they are punctual in their prayers, fast in ramadan, etc, can be labelled moderate/liberal. A big example would be of those people who are clean shaven, wear jeans, T-shirts, miss their prayers, and think that killing innocent non-Muslims is okay. Now they are extremists/fundamentalists.
U.S. is not the enemy of Islam; it is actually the terrorists, who have tainted Islam.
The biggest media spin today is the creation of an Anti-Muslim America. Months ago Americans were outraged at the building of a planned run of the mill mosque in New York. Organizations threatened to burn Qurans and mosques in protest. The belief of course being that a Mosque in New York would be a terrorist headquarters. I believe that the relations should ease out between the Muslim world and the west. If we want to build a bright future then we should not criticize the relationship of America and Pakistan.
It is unfortunate that there is growing animosity between the West and the Muslim world due to the activities of handful of terrorists. It is imperative that first this mistrust is to be removed, if we have to counter terrorism.
I think the West needs to wake up from its slumber. They should also try to read Islam from the Korna and not what their media reports about Muslims. That is the major problem that each of us should really be concverned with. I think we need to encourage our brothers to read Islam from authentic sources.
Big challenege goes on as of now. Islam is a religion of peace and a hanful are using it to destroy relations with countries such as U.S.