Is Zardari mentally fit to be President?

The way Mr. Asif Zardari backed out of verbal and written agreements with the PML-N over the issue of restoration of judiciary made me wonder if there wasn’t something wrong with him, especially when he said more than once that agreements can be broken, because they are not like the Holy Koran and the Hadith. So I wasn’t surprised to read that he’s been suffering from mental health problems. According to a report in the Financial Times, he “was suffering from severe psychiatric problems as recently as last year“.

The report further adds, he “was diagnosed with a range of serious illnesses including dementia, major depressive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in a series of medical reports spanning more than two years”.

In court documents seen by the Financial Times, Philip Saltiel, a New York City-based psychiatrist, said in a March 2007 diagnosis that Mr Zardari’s imprisonment had left him suffering from “emotional instability” and memory and concentration problems. “I do not foresee any improvement in these issues for at least a year,” Mr Saltiel wrote.

Financial Times further adds, “Stephen Reich, a New York state-based psychologist, said Mr Zardari was unable to remember the birthdays of his wife and children, was persistently apprehensive and had thought about suicide”.

With this background, can Mr. Asif Ali Zardari be allowed to contest elections for the post of President of the country?






9 responses to “Is Zardari mentally fit to be President?”

  1. […] Things become more difficult when leaders like Asif Ali Zardari dismiss written agreements with his coalition partners, PML (N) headed by Nawaz Sharf, claiming agreements were not”holy like the holy Koran.” Or when General Musharraf starts a Kargil War with a rogue army that is no longer under the command of the civilian authority. […]

  2. Hashim K Avatar
    Hashim K

    Zardari, if he suffers from all these mental problems is not fit to be president (which he is now).
    If he got those certificates made by force so he wouldnt have to attend court hearings, then the swiss authorities should take him into custody.
    And if he has suicidal tendencies, why isnt he putting them to use?

  3. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Philip, you talk about pluralism. Can you honestly say that Indian Hindus have accepted it? Are Indian Hindus secular in their outlook? If yes, how do you explain the recent killings of Christians and burning of churches? Muslims, of course, are routinely killed because they are thought to be agents of Pakistan, but why should poor Christians be victimized?

  4. […] Things become more difficult when leaders like Asif Ali Zardari dismiss written agreements with his coalition partners, PML (N) headed by Nawaz Sharf, claiming agreements were not”holy like the holy Koran.” […]

  5. lalbadshah Avatar

    Asif zardari is not good person for president post . His is 10 % and not good cracter. he is layar man . no promise

  6. […] The other two are Sunil Gavaskar and Imran Khan – two well known and respected players in each of the countries. Between, these four, they have managed this complex cricketing relationship. Some of it is visible – but mostly, below the line. Especially, significant is the management of agreements. Recently, Asif Ali Zardari dismissed written agreements with his coalition partners, PML (N) headed by Nawaz Sharf, claiming agreements were not”holy like the holy Koran.” […]

  7. Philip Avatar

    I have no hatred for muslims. Some of my best friends are muslims. But yes, i do have a hatred for Pakistan exactly for the fact that it just doesnt want to live in peace with its neighbors.

    Israel is also a good example. Sorry i missed it out. You can even add Saudi Arabia to it. Till a country and its rulers refuse to accept pluralism and refuse to accept that another person has the right to purse his/her own way of living, it can never survive.

    Pakistan doesnt accept the basic reality and hence its impending doom.

  8. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    Phillip, your hatred for Pakistan and Muslims makes you forget that Pakistan is not the only country formed on the basis of religion. What about Israel? By your own logic, Israel too should be on the verge of collapse, but it isn’t.

  9. Philip Avatar

    Musharraf or Zardari or Benazir or Sharif. What does it matter? Its a country of loonies ruled by a moron.

    A country formed on the basis of religion and hatred towards its neighbors has no future anyway.

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