Interfaith In Pakistan

The glory of Islam and the upholding of the international unity and harmony with peace can only be fostered through interfaith dialogue, and for Pakistan it is imperative to hold such a summit to promote it. In these troubled times, when there is so much talk about terrorism and the whole world is implicating the Pakistan into this needlessly and Pakistan is in it up to its neck unwillingly, there is a dire need of consensus based international level interfaith dialogue.

Pakistan need a dialogue of the Ummah within itself. First Pakistan has to look inwards to change the dynamics of how we think and above all where we see ourselves from now on to the near future. There is no time like this, it is because sedition, ignorance and fanaticism are threatening the hopes of Muslims.

The terrorism that threatens the entire world is attributed to Pakistan alone because of the acts of a few extremists who represent none but themselves. But then the propaganda is also running high. Though they put on the guise of Islam, the religion has nothing to do with them.

That is what we have to tell the world.






7 responses to “Interfaith In Pakistan”

  1. yousouff farjan Avatar

    your society is Christian(religious/secular) and you are not religious Christian but christian. So you would love to see us the same way. Then only we are united. Is that not extermism to see us the way you are.A fundamentalist in being not what is ur identity. However, the challenge is how we can respect and cooperate without giving our identity. think over it you will surely understand.

  2. Real Avatar

    I fund it: — now I understand better the kind of problems that you can have.

  3. Real Avatar

    (Sorry Commoner, here is the same text, but with orthographic correction… thanks! – if you cannot remove this header/modify this post, let me know)

    Can you give me some examples of your draconian laws?

    We get ours specifics values too here in Quebec, a french society surround by english canadian and english american. Our culture is a bit different of the general one in north America. So I can understand a bit the aim of muslim leaders to work to keep their muslim historic values.

    We was often near to be consider like a country – we got the title “nation inside the canada” 2 years ago. The only “draconian law” for english people in Montreal : if they have a bussiness, they have to do their ads/publicity in french (or bilingual). I’m scared myself to imagine that french can dissapear in many years – I do not want it! But I’m sure that this is nothing compare to your draconian laws – the difference beetween language is not a big deal between human, not like religion.

    Our society is know as Christian, but we don’t have any obligation relate to this religion. You can read here in Confessional Schools and Services :

    […] Students will continue to take religion courses and to receive pastoral animation or religious care and guidance services IF THEY SO DESIRE.

    And if you look at this statistic : — Christian religion have a big majority here.

    I’m really happy to leave here ๐Ÿ˜‰ – I’m sorry to tell you it, but I would be scare to leave in your country. In Quebec, muslim can keep their values, but I don’t think that I would be able to keep my values in the East (like drinking wine – attention, I’m not alcoholic!). ๐Ÿ™‚

    Serioulsy, I deeply believe that religion should be out as much as possible of politic – this will not remove your muslims values from your society, but it will open the door to others society and much more, to these persons in your own society whom think differently and stay quiet for avoiding possible big issues.

    Maybe someone will ask : if there is no religion in politic, how to setup the root of education system and some others systems? Do a search in every contries, look at the statistics stuffs, and take the best! (as almost everything I wrote here, it’s more easy to say…) Here is a example :

  4. Munir Avatar


    Interfaith in Pakistan and tolerance can not make sense in Pakistan, unfortunately.

    Let us examine the scenario where generals and politicians of Pakistan have bowed down to the fanatic mullah time and again.

    And now the common Pakistani has been hijacked by the fanatic or the so called Jihadis.

    Where did it all start and how far is the establishment – military generals and the politicians – all included have connived to bring about this hell in Pakistan.

    The present democratic government in Pakistan, who has the backing of USA – the oldest democracy, does not have the power to undo the draconian laws in Pakistan – Presidential Ordinance of April 1984 by General Zia ul Haq. He was the same Zia ul Haq who had sent the Father of PPP to the gallows. And yet the present PPP government follows General Zia ul Haqs Agenda. What a joke.

    Is there any political party who represents the common people of Pakistan and their interests. If so let the individual or the party reply me on this forum.

  5. Real Avatar

    Hi Shakir,

    Be sure that I’m not blaming anyone. I understand very well your point. But we need all work together to catch who can be violent (maybe it’s only easy to say). I don’t know your stories about Russia, Indian and Israelis. There can be crazy people from any country (and when they are at the head of a gouvernement, how much this can be dangerous). Maybe U.S. send 100 000 guys – 100 of them make stupid thing and 100 000 get the blame (like Commoner wrote about some extremists and Islam). If a american kill a civilian in Irak, I know that he got lot of chance to go in jail… and he get some chance to be kill too for a question of ideology. In my mind, many american there believe deeply that they help people.

    What about to work with stranger, let’s them work with you to catch dangerous people, like a leader who teach to others to hate some others. In my country, we got some problems with a criminal group – if muslims want to come to help us or some Russia guys, why not? We all want peace. We have to be able to listen and try to teach to other to listen too. By the way, if a american come in Canada rape my son, I’ll not blame all american, but I’ll ask them to help me to find this guy!

    Note that I don’t do any politic in my country. I’m just writing here because I like philosophy and if I can help anybody in my manner, I’ll be happy. But I’m naive, I can misunderstood lot of things – so do not hesitate to let me know what you think!

  6. Shakir Lakhani Avatar

    @Real: Many Muslims are fundamentalists because they have not been educated. But don’t forget that even educated Catholics and Protestants were killing each other less than ten years ago. Religion is a strong force, and if misunderstood, it can turn peaceful men into killers. Please also understand that Muslims are only reacting to what Americans, Russians, Israelis and Indians have done to Muslims. A Muslim can’t love an Indian for raping his sister or killing his father, and you can’t blame Muslims for reacting as long as the U.S. goes on killing Muslim civilians in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

  7. Real Avatar

    Hello Commoner!
    (note that I’m french and it’s hard for me to say my adequate meaning in english)

    I’m happy to read your blog, it is a positive one looking for something better than now. “unity and harmony with peace can only be fostered through interfaith dialogue” – this seem to me perfect! ๐Ÿ™‚ – Under it, we should learn the whole sens of “tolerate”.

    “The terrorism that threatens the entire world is attributed to Pakistan alone” – I don’t think so. From my point of view, terrorism come from any extremists of any kind of religions and we can find it everywhere. However, by viewing some education movies from some countries like Iran, we can clearly see how much they promote a negative view of U.S. and occidentals people. And, for what I know (I can be wrong), the coran (like some others) have a kind of agressive approch relate to “infidels”. But again, it is not only it.

    As we have everywhere in the world, there are some people preaching wrong information and some of them are negative comments about others (group, religion, country, language, etc.). It can be in a very agressive manner as smooth like – I do not want to accuse Mohammad, he look friendly though, but his text go almost always against the “West” and what I can read… hmm I do not recognise me at all in this text (look like we are all alcoholic, we dumped baby on the sidewalk, etc…). What can happen with it? Imagine you told to your kid always the same story, the West is like it, like that… he will believe it throught the day he will see by himself. Everyone should take care about everything he is told about – what can we be sure of?

    “But then the propaganda is also running high” – I don’t really believe to “propaganda”, even not intentionnaly. There are some peoples who can look for it, but I’m sure that it is really not common. What about if I consider the blog of Mohammad as a propaganda against the West? I can do it, but it’s a kind of paranoia. What can we really know? My son (7 years old) told me last week : my friend is a liar, he told me that he got all the toys collection. I told him…: if you are sure, your friend is not a liar, he believe it, so he is wrong. It is not the same thing. Lying mean that the other one is looking to make you wrong intentionnaly. By the way, if you are not sure, you can say “I believe that he is wrong” instead of “he is wrong”.

    Let me tell you why I’m writing to you. I take a long time to write to Mohammad and I posted him a comment on his blog. I can be wrong again, but I believe that he will not published it (I hope he will published it ๐Ÿ™‚ ). And just after, I found your blog beginning with the “unity and harmony with peace can only be fostered through interfaith dialogue”… How can this happen if we reject each other? I think that we should do a kind of “words war” to be able to understand each other.

    Here is the comment which I post on his page (which we do not see actually) :

    Dear East,

    I was surprise to read your blog – this show me how much each side can misunderstanding the other side.

    How much are you able to doubt your own knowledge (a good question for everyone and myself)? Not only each country, but each province/region have their own values and cultures, and we can go deeper by telling that each one see thing differently. Note that in North America and Europa, there are a lot of mixture of people from everwhere around the world…

    I’m from Quebec, a french province in Canada. Here, like almost everywhere in North America, the average to get married and have kid is around 18-22 years old (I got mine at 30 and my girldfriend was 30 years old too). Your story about 13 years old girl, baby dumped on the sidewalk… Are you serious? You should come travel here… I’m sure that your blog will take another face! these kinds of things can happen everywhere, but it’s not common and it concern parents with big issues (and these parent need help normally… not negative comment on their attitude). Your blog can bring people around you to hate the “West”, I’m curious to know from where you learn what you wrote. Should I say terrorism are muslim so all muslim are terrorism? I don’t think so.

    But I can have my bias too about muslim (and any others religious scheme)… like you about the West. Let’s me tell you.

    While someone is not a muslim, he is consider as a “infidel”, he is reject – and this is perturbing.

    I’m a human too which experiment the life like you, something have been give to us, we are here on earth. We can call it whatever you want, everyone have it.

    If Allah is greater than us (point of view which I can understand), how can we say we understand what he is and what he want? The word “God” aim something that we do not understand – and each human and religion interpret it in his way, but essentially we all experiment the same thing. (If you do not agree, please let me know why).

    If someone insult Allah with words, maybe Allah just don’t care about it? Words and pictures are nothing compare to our life. So, in my point of view, any move done by a human which aim the life (health) of another human is an human being heresy. Nothing can be done in the word of God – if someone say : I’m doing it in the name of God, this suppose that he is understanding the will of something greater than him – this is a non-sens to me (this can be interpret as an insult to Allah…?). The life is an inspiration, but the inspiration is not the perfect truth. The Bible, the Coran, or any other books… have been writing by an human being which have give his interpretation of his inspiration.

    Don’t you believe that the better way to understand what we are, human being, is by reading as much as possible books from everywhere around the world? Let’s see the inspiration of everyone and let’s take the better of each one. I’m sure that each one can have something great to share. But first, we have to open our mind to others ways for it.

    A last thing, I read a physical and mathematical research review lastly who compare the constitution of the universe with the sound of a guitar rope. This is a scientific result research (2+2=4…) – should will interpret God as a music player?

    Let’s be poet and smell the life around us. For whom think about political issues, I just want to say one thing : democracy is the way to avoid others to impose their views. Get your view, expose it, but don’t impose it. This mean freedom. (Maybe democracy goes against whom want to impose their view to others, maybe imperalism mean nothing, else a misunderstanding).

    By the way, women is a human being too… As an occidental, I cannot understanding how women cannot be consider like men – In my mind, this is a education question.

    I do not want to insult anyone or accuse anywho, just trying to make the world better for anyone. Let’s try to understand each side.


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